Vedic Havan – Agnihotra

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Mantras are in Maroon, Instructions are in Green and explanations are in Black.


Aa-cham-ana: is the sipping of sacrificial water from the right palm. This is the first act before the performance of the Agnihotra Sacrifice. The aspirant seeks to symbolically cleanse his inner self of all impurity and asks for health and strength.)
अपने-अपने जऱपात्र से सब जने जोकि यज्ञ करने के लिए बैठे हो निम्न मन्त्रों से तीन आचमन करे अर्थात् एक-एक से एक-एक बार आजमन के।
ओं अमृतोपस्तणमसि स्वाहा ॥१॥
1 Om amrito pas-taranam-asi swaahaa.
O Divine Waters! You are the spread of eternal life.
हे (अमृत) अमृत, अखण्डैकरस, अविनाशी प्रभो! तू (उपस्तरणम्) मेरे नूचे का बिछौना (असि) है। (स्वाहा) यह मैं यथार्थरूप से समझ रहा हुँ।
ओं अमृतापिधानमसि स्वाहा ॥२॥
2 Om amrita-pidhaanam-asi swaahaa
O Divine Waters! You are the covering of eternal life.
हे (अमृत) नित्यशुद्धबुद्धमुक्तशान्तस्वभाब परमात्मन्! (अपिधानम्) तू मेरे ऊपर का ओढ़ना (असि) है। (स्वाहा) यह मैं ठीक-ठीक समझ रहा हूँ।
ओं सत्यं यशःश्रीर्मयिश्रीःश्त्रयतां स्वाहा ॥३॥
3 Om Satyam yashah shreer mayi shreeh shra-ya-taam swaahaa.
May wealth, consisting of Truth, fame and riches take refuge in me.
(सत्यम्) सत्यभाषण, सत्यव्यवहार, सत्यज्ञान (यशः) यश, कीति और (श्रीः) स्हास्थ्य, शोभा, ऐश्वर्य धन-सम्पत्ति (मयि) मुझमें (श्री) आश्रित होकर (श्रयताम्) रहें। (स्वाहा) यह मैं यत्य कहता हूँ कि इनको प्राप्त करते का प्रयल करूँगा।
ओं वाङमऽआस्येऽस्तु १॥ Om vaang ma aasye stu……………..(lips) इसस मन्त्र से मुख.
ओं नसोर्मे प्राणोऽस्तु॥२॥ Om nasor me praano stu…………….(nostrils) इस मन्त्र से नासिका के दोनुं छिद्र
ओं अक्ष्णोर्में चत्क्षुरस्तु॥३॥ Om akshnor me chakshur astu…………(eyes) इस मन्त्र से दोनों आंखें
ओं कर्णयोर्मे श्रोत्रमस्तु॥४॥ On karna-yor me shro-tam astu……….(ears) इस मन्त्र से दोनों कान(
ओं बाहोर्मे बलमस्तु॥५॥ Om baah-wor me balam astu…………..(arms) इस मन्त्र से दोनों बाहु
ओं ऊर्वोमऽओजोस्तु॥६॥ Om oor-wor ma ojo stu……………..(thighs) इस मन्त्र से दोनों जंघा, और..
ओं अरिष्टानि मेऽङाग्नि तनूस्तन्वा मे सह सन्तु॥उ॥ Om arish-taani me ngaani tanoos tanwaa me saha santu (sprinkle all over your body)
May the power of speech of my mouth be blessed so that I use it to say words of Love and wisdom. May the breath in my nostrils, the sight in my eyes, and the hearing in my ears be blessed with strength and righteousness. May the power in my arms and legs be blessed by God. May all my limbs and my whole body be unharmed and healthy so that I can perform righteous duties.
हे प्रभो! (मे) मेरे (औस्ये) मुख में (वाक्) ;वाणी, बोलने की शकि्त (अस्तु) हो। हे मार्गदर्शक प्रभो! (मे) मेरे (अक्ष्णोः) दोनों नेत्रगोलकों में (चक्षुः) दर्शकि्त (अस्तु) सदा विध्यमान रहे। हे भक्तों कि टेर सुननेवाले! (मे) मेरे (कर्णयोः) दोनों कर्णगोलकों में (श्रोत्रम्)श्र वणशकित (अस्तु) सदा विध्यमान रहे। हे विध्नाशक प्रभो (मे) मेरे (बाह्वोः) दोनों भुछाओं में (बलम्) बल शकि्त एवं सामथ् र्य (अस्तु) सदा विध्यमान रहे। हे पराक्रमशालिन्! (मे) मेरि (ऊर्वोः) दोनों जंघाऔं में (ओजः) सत्तव, दौड़ने, भागने, और भार वहन करने की साथ् र्य (अस्तु) सदा वनी रहे हे शरीररक्षक प्रभो! (मे) मेरा (तनूः) शरीर और (सह) साथ ही (मे तन्वः) मरे शरीर के (अङाग्नि) समस्त अङग्-प्रत्यङग्, ज्ञानेन्दि और कर्मेन्द्रियाँ (अरिष्टानि) रोग-रहित एवं शकि्त-सम्पन्न (सन्तु) हो।
अथेश्वर स्तुति प्रासना मन्त्राः ATHESHWARA STUTI-PRAAR-THANO-PAASANAAH
ओ३म्। विश्वा॑नि देव सवितर्दुरि॒तानि॒ परा॑ सुव। यद् भ॒द्रन्तन्न॒ आ सुव ॥१॥
  1. Om Vishwaani deva savitur duritaani paraa-suva. Yad bhadram tan-na aasuva.
O God! O Creator of this Universe! O Radiant Cause of all manifestations! Do remove from us all that is difficult in our experience, and all tendencies to transgress Your Laws, and bring unto us all that is beautiful, benevolent and auspicious.
अर्थ – हे (सवितः) सकल जगत् के उत्पत्तिकत्-र्ता, समग्र ऐश्वर्ययुक्त (देव) शुद्धस्वरूप, सब सुखें कें दाता परतेश्वर! आभ कृपा करके (नः) हमारे (विश्वानि) सम्पुर्ण (दुरितानि) दुर्गुण, दुव्-र्यसन और दुःखों को (परा, सुव) दुर कर दूजिए, (यत्) जो (भद्रम्) कल्याणकारक गुण, कर्म, स्वभाव आर पदार्थ है (तत्) वह सब हमको (आ, सुव) प्रप्त कीजिए॥१॥
हि॒र॒ण्य॒गर्भः सम॑वत्-र्त॒ताग्रे॑ भूतस्य॑ जातः पति॒रेक॑ आसीत्। स दा॑धार पृथि॒वीन्ध्यामुतेमाक्ङस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम।२॥ यर्ज० १३।२
  1. Hiranya-garbhah sama-var-tataa-gre bhootasya jaatah patir eka aaseet. Sa daa dhaaara prithiveem dyaam ute-maam kasmai devaaya havishaa vidhema.
God is the Sustainer of luminous bodies and the Source of Light, and He has been present even before the creation of this universe. He is known to be the Sole Master of all beings. He sustains this earth and heaven. Unto that Blissful Divinity do we offer our worship with love and devotion.
(अर्थ) – जो (हिरण्यगर्भः) स्वप्रकाशस्वरूप आर जिसने प्रकाश करने- हारे सुर्य-चन्द्रमादि पदार्थ उत्पन्न करके धारण किये है, जो (भुतस्य) उत्पन्न हुए सम्पुर्ण जगत् का (जातः) ;प्रसिद्ध (पतिः) स्वामी (एकः) एक ही चेतन-स्वरूप (आसोत्) था, जो (अग्रे) सब जगत् के उत्पन्न होने से पुर्व (समवत्-र्तत) वर्तमान था, (सः) सो (इमाम्) इस (पृथिवीम्) भुमि (उत) आर (ध्याम्) सुर्यादि को (दाधार) धारण कर यहा है, हम लोग उस (कस्मै) सुखस्वरूप (देवाय) शुद्ध परमात्मा के लिए (हविषा) ग्रहण करने योग्य योगाभ्यास और अतिप्रेम से (विधेम) विशेष भकि्त किया करें॥२॥
य आ॑त्म॒दा ब॑ल॒दा यस्य विश्व॑ उ॒पास॑ते प्र॒शिषं॒ यस्य॒ दे॒वाः । यस्य॒ छा॒याऽमृतं॒ यस्य मृत्युः कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥३॥ – यजु० २५।११
  1. Ya aat-madaa bala-daa yasya vishwa upaasate prashisham yasya devaah.
    Yasya chhaayaa mritam yasya mrityuh kasmai devaaya havishaa vidhema.
He gives us the consciousness that we are souls, and provides us with strength. All wise men worship Him, and they obey His commands. Under His shade flows the nectar of immortal bliss, and opposing Him brings us daily death. Unto that Blissful Divinity do we offer our worship with love and devotion.
अर्थ – (यः) जो (आतमदाः) आत्मज्ञान का दाता, (बलदाः) शरीर, आत्मा और समाज के बल का देनेहाया, (यस्य) जीसकी (विश्वे) सब (देवाः) विद्धान् लोग (उपासे) उपासना करते हैं, और (यस्य) जिसका (प्रशिषम्) प्रत्यक्ष, सत्यस्वरूप शासन और न्याय अर्थात शिक्षा कोमानते हैं, (यस्य) जिसका (छाया) आश्रय हू (अमृतम्) मोक्षसुखदायक है, (यस्य) जिसका न मानना अर्थस् भकि्त न करना ही (मृत्युः) मृत्यु आदि दुःख का हेतु है, हम लोग उस (कस्मै) सुस्वरूप (देवाय) सकल ज्ञान के देनेहारे परमास्मा की लिए (हविषा) आस्मा और अन्सःकरण से (विधेम) भकि्स अर्थात् उसी की आ ज्ञा पालन में सस्पर रहें॥३॥
यः प्रा॑ण॒तो नि॑मिष॒तो म॑हि॒त्वैक इद्राजा॒ जग॑तो ब॒भूव॑ । य ईशे॑ऽअ॒स्य व्दिपद॒श्पढः कस्मै॑ ढे॒वाय॒ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥४॥यजु० २३ ।३
  1. Yah praana-to nimisha-to mahit-waika id raajaa jagato babhoowa. ya eeshe asya dwipa-dash chatush-padah kasmai devaaya havishaa vidhema
He, through His Own Glory, is the Sole King of this entire breathing and winking world. He controls all bipeds and quadrupeds. Unto that Blissful Divinity do we offer our worship with love and devotion.
अर्थ – (यः) जो (प्राणतः) प्राणवाले और (निमीषतः) अप्राणिरूप (जगतः) जगत् का (महित्वा) अपने अनन्त महिमा से (एक इत्) एक ही (राजा) विराजमान राजा (बभूव) है, (यः) जो (अस्य) इस (द्धिपदः) मनुष्यादि और (चतुष्पदः) गौ आदि प्राणियों कें शरीर की (ईशे) करता है, हम लोग उस (कस्मै) सुखस्वरूप (देवाय) सकलैश्वर्य के देहरे परमात्मा के (हविशा) अपनी सकल उत्तम से (विधेम) विशेष भकि्त करें ॥४॥
येन॒ ध्यौरूग्रा पृ॑थि॒वी च॑ ढृढा येन॒ स्वॆ॒ सतभितं येन॒ नाकः॑। योऽअन्तरि॑क्षे कज॑सो वि॒मानः कस्मै॑ देवाय॑ हविषा॑ विधेम ॥५॥ – यजु० ३२।६१
  1. Yena dyaur-ugraa prithivee cha dridhaa yena swah stabhitam yena naakah. Yo antarikshe rajaso vimaanah kasmai devaaya havishaa vidhema.
He steadied the thunderous heaven and the solid earth, and confers happiness free from all sorrow. He created the planets with bird-like movement, and caused them to revolve in space. Unto that Blissful Divinity do we offer our worship with love and devotion.
अर्थ – (येन) जिस परमात्मा ने (उग्र) तीक्ष्ण स्वभाववाले (ध्यौः) सूर्य आदी (च) और (पृथिवी) भूमि को (दढा) धारण, (येन) जिस जगदीश्वर (स्वः) सुख को (स्तभितम्) धारण, और (येन) जिस (नाकः) दुःखरहित मोक्ष को धारण किया है। (यः) जो (अन्तरिक्षे) आकाश में (रजसः) सब लोक-लोकान्तरों को (विमानः) विशेषमानुक्त अर्थात जैसे आकाश में पक्षी उड़ते हैं, वैसे सब लोकों का निमर्माण करता और भ्रमण कराता है, हम लोग उस (कस्मै) सुखदायक (देवाय) कामना करने के योग्य परब्रहा की प्राप्-ति के लिए (हविषा) सब सामथ्-र्य से (विधेम) विशेष भकि्त करें॥५॥
प्रजा॑पते॒ न त्वढेतान्य॒न्यो विश्वा॑जा॒तानि परि॒ ता व॑भूव। यत्का॑मास्ते जुहुमस्तन्नो॑ऽअस्तु व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयीणाम् ॥६॥
  1. Prajaa-pate! Na twad etaan-yanyo vishwaa jaataani pari taa babhoowa. Yat kaamaas-te juhumas tan-no astu vayam syaama patayo rayeenaam.
O prajaapati! O Master of this entire creation! No-one, except You, can control the creatures of this visible, and other invisible worlds. May those desires, for which we come to Your Shelter, be fulfilled. May we be masters of earthly and heavenly riches.
अर्थ – हे (प्रजापते) सब प्रजा के स्वामी परमात्मन्! (त्वत्) आपसे (अन्यः) भीन्न दुसरा कोई (ता) उन (एतानी) एन (विश्वा) सब (जातानि) उत्पन्न हुए जड़-चेतनादिकों को (न) नहीं (परि, बभूव) तिरस्कार करता है अर्थात् आप सर्वोपरि है। (यत्कामाः) जिस-जिस पदार्थ की कामनावाले हम लोग (ते) आपका (जुहुमः) आश्रय लेवें और वाञ्छा करें, (तत) उस-उसकी कामना (नः) हमारी सिद्ध (अस्सु) होवे, जिससे (वयम्) हम लोग (रयीणाम्) धनैश्वर्य के (पतयः) स्वामी (स्याम) होवें ॥६॥
सनो॒ बन्धरजनिता स विधा॒ता धामा॑नि वे॒द भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑। यत्र॑ देवा अ॒मृत॑मानशा॒नास्तृतीये॒ धाम॑न्न॒ध्यैर॑यन्त ॥७॥
  1. Sano bandhur janitaa sa vidhaataa dhaamaani veda bhuwa-naani vishwaa. Yatra devaa amritam aa-na-shaanaas triteeye dhaaman a-dhyair-ayanta.
He alone, O men, is our Brother, Creator and Law-Giver. He knows all names, regions and beginning events. In Him are the liberated souls, moving about at their own free will and enjoying the essence of eternal life, sustained in the third state of consciousness.
अर्थ – हे (प्रजापते) सब प्रजा के स्वामि परमात्मन! (त्वत) आपसे (अन्यः) भिन्न दूसरा कोई (ता) उन (एतानि) इन (वश्वा) सब (जातानि) उत्पन्न हए जड़-चेतनादिकों को (न) नही (परि, बभूव) तिरस्कार करता है अर्थात आप सर्वोपरि हैं (यत्कामाः) जिस-जिस पदार्थ की कामनावाले हम लोग (से) आपका (जुहुमः) आश्रय लेवें और वाञ्छा करें, (तत्) उस-उसकी कामरा (नः) हमारी सिद्ध (अस्तु) होवे, जिससे (वयम्) हम लोग (रयीणाम) धनैश्वर्यो के (पतयः) स्वामी (स्याम) होवें ॥८॥
अग्ने॒ नय सु॒पथा॑ रायेऽअस्मान् विश्वा॑नि देव व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान् । युयो॒ध्य स्मज्जु॒हुरा॒णमेनो॒ भूयि॑ष्ठान्ते॒ नम॑ऽउक्तिंविधेम ॥८॥
  1. Agne! Naya su-pathaa raaye asmaan vishwaani deva vayunaani vidwaan. Yuyo-dhyas-maj juhuraanam eno bhooyish-thaan te nama uktim vidhema.
O Agni! lead us on the right path to the wealth of liberation, for You know all pathways leading in that direction. Remove from us all sins that lead us astray. Again and again we offer You words of salutation and praise. Iteesh-wara stuti praarthano-paasa-naa prakaranam Here comes to an end the Stuti Praarthano-paasanaa Chant.
अर्थ-(हे अग्ने) स्वप्रकाशक ज्ञानस्वरूप सब जगत् के प्रकाश करने-हारे (देव) सकल सुखदाता परमेश्वर! आप दिससे (विव्दान) सम्पुर्ण विध्य-युवत हैं, कृपा करके (अस्मान्) हम लोगों को (राये) विज्ञान वा राज्यादि ऐश्वर्य कि प्राप्-ति के लिए (सुपथा) अच्छे, धर्मयुक्त, अप्त लोगों के मार्ग से (विश्वानिं) सम्पुर्ण (वयुनानि) प्रज्ञान और उत्तम कर्म (नय) प्राप्-त कराइए, और (अस्मत्) हमसे (जुहुराणम्) कुटिलतायुक्त (एनः) पापरूप कर्म को (युयोधि) दुर कीजिए। इस कारण हम लोग (ते) आपकी (भूयिष्ठाम्) बहुत प्रका की स्तुतिरूप (नमउकि्तम्) नम्रतापुर्वक प्रशंसा (विधेम) सदा रिया कें और सर्वदा आनन्द में रहें। ॥८॥ इतीश्वरस्तुतिप्रार्थनोपासनाप्रकरणम्
Mantras of Rig Veda, Yajur, Saam & Atharva Veda Here we begin the Swasti Vaachana, the prayers for a harmonized life. We pray that the Supreme Cosmic Force, God, and all other Cosmic forces – the sun, moon, stars, air, earth, sky and heaven, and all teachers, parents and friends may contribute their powers to help make our life blissful.
अ॒ग्निनमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं यज्ञ॒स्य॑ दे॒वम्रत्विज॑म्। होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ॥१॥ – ऋ० १।१।१
  1. Agni meede purohitam yajyasya deva-mrit-wijam. Hotaaram ratna-dhaatamam – Rig Veda 1:1:6
We praise Agni .We praise Him Who has been present even before this creation. He is the Glorious Lord of this Cosmic Sacrifice, and is worthy of our worship in all seasons. We praise Him Who is the Creator and Supreme Sustainer of all the jewel-like planets that decorate the cosmic Drama.
मैं (पुरोसितम्) सृष्टि-उत्पत्ति से पुर्व सृष्टि के मुलकारण परमाणु आदि को धारण करनेवाले (यज्ञस्य) सृष्टिरूपी यज्ञ के (देवम्) प्रकाश करने-वाले (ऋत्विजम्) बारम्बार उत्पत्ति के समय में स्थल सृष्टि का संहार करनेवाल (रत्नधातमम्) मनोसर पृथिवी और सुवर्ण आदि रत्नों को धारण करने और देनेवाले (अग्निम्) जगदीश्वर की (ईळ) स्तति और प्रार्थना करता हुँ।
स नः॑ पि॒तेव॑ सूनवेऽग्न॑ सूपाय॒नो भ॑व।सच॑स्वा नः स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥१॥ – ऋ० १।१।६
  1. Sa nah piteva soonave agne soopaa-yano bhava. Sachas-waa nah swastaye.
Come to us, sweetly and readily, O Agni as a father comes unto his son. Unite us, Lord, with Yourself and with the bounties of this world for swasti.
से (अग्ने) ज्ञानस्वरूप परमेश्वर! (सः) आप (सूनवे) अपने पुत्र के लिए (पिता इव) जैसे पिता उत्तम ज्ञान देनेवाला होता है, वैसे ही आप (नः) सम लोगों, उपासकों, भक्तों के लिए (सुपायनः) सब सुकों के साधक आर उत्तम-उत्तम पदार्थो को प्राप्-त करानेवाले, शोभन ज्ञान को देनेवाले (भव) हूजिए। आर (नः) सम लोगों को (स्वस्तये) इहलौकिक आर पारलौकिक सुख के हाथ (सचस्व) संयुक्त किजिए।
स्व॒त्ति नो॑ मिमीताम॒श्वना॒ भगः॑ स्व॒त्ति देव्यदि॑तिरन॒र्वणः॑ । स्व॒स्वित पूषा असु॑रो दधातु नः स्व॒स्ति ध्यावा॑पृथिवी सुचे॒तुना॑ ॥३॥ ऋ० २।२१।११
  1. Swasti no mimeetaam-ashwinaa bhagah swasti dev-yaditir anar-vanah. Swasti pooshaa asuro dadhaatu nah swasti dyaawaa prithivee suche-tunaa
May all dual forces bring swasti for us. May our fortune and wealth bring us swasti. May the Earth, goddess and unhurting as she is, yield swasti for us. May the clouds that provide us life through rain-fall sustain swasti for us, and may the sun and all the planets, filled with knowledge, confer swasti unto us.
(अश्वना) अध्यापक और उपदेशक, स्त्री एवं पुरूष, दिन तथा रात्री सुर्य और चन्द्र तथा प्रण औरअपान (नः) हमारे लिए (स्स्ति) सुख (मिमीताम्) प्रदान करें। (भगः) ऐश्वर्यशाली परमात्मा (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करे। (देवी) सब विध्याओ का प्रकाश करनेवाली (अदितिः) अखण्ड वेदविध्या (अनर्वणः) र्धम के मार्ग पर चलनेवाले, सदाचारी परूषों का कल्याण करे। (पूषा) पुष्टि करनेवाले दुग्ध आदि पदार्थ और (असुरः) जीवनदाता मेघ (नः) समारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण (दधातु) करे। (ध्यावा-पृथिवी) सूर्य और पृथिवी, पिता और माता-दोनों (सुचेतुना) उत्तम प्रकाश छेतना और ज्ञान से (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करें।
स्व॒स्तये॑ वा॒युमुपं सोमं॑ स्वस्सि भुव॑नस्य यस्पतिः॑। बृह॒स्पतिं॒ सर्स॑गणं स्व॒स्तये॑ त्वस्तय॑ आदित्यासो॑ भवन्तु नः ॥४॥
  1. Swastaye vaayu-mupa bravaa-mahai somam swasti bhuwa-nasya yas patih. Brihaspatim sarvaganam swastaye swastaya aadit-yaaso bhawantu nah.
Let us, in our search for an elevated existence, explore the qualities of air, and even of the moon that influences operations on earth.We call upon the Teacher of wisdom, surrounded by his eager students, to teach us for swasti, and may those men who are benefactors of all mankind help in achieving this elevated existence.
(अश्वना) अध्यापक और उपदेशक, स्त्री एवं पुरूष, दिन तथा रात्री सुर्य और चन्द्र तथा प्रण औरअपान (नः) हमारे लिए (स्स्ति) सुख (मिमीताम्) प्रदान करें। (भगः) ऐश्वर्यशाली परमात्मा (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करे। (देवी) सब विध्याओ का प्रकाश करनेवाली (अदितिः) अखण्ड वेदविध्या (अनर्वणः) र्धम के मार्ग पर चलनेवाले, सदाचारी परूषों का कल्याण करे। (पूषा) पुष्टि करनेवाले दुग्ध आदि पदार्थ और (असुरः) जीवनदाता मेघ (नः) समारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण (दधातु) करे। (ध्यावा-पृथिवी) सूर्य और पृथिवी, पिता और माता-दोनों (सुचेतुना) उत्तम प्रकाश छेतना और ज्ञान से (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करें।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा नो॑ अ॒ध्या स्वस्तये॑ वैश्वान॒रो वसु॑र॒ग्निः स्स्वतये॑। देवा अ॑वन्त्वभवः॑ स्वस्ति स्वस्ति नो॑ रू॒द्रः पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥५॥
  1. Vishwe devaa no adyaa swastaye vaish-waa-naro vasu-ragnih swastaye. Devaa avantu ribhawah swastaye swasti no rudrah paat-wang-hasah.
Let all wise men instruct us today for swasti. Let fire, present everywhere, and benefiting all creatures be for our facility and comfort. Let all forces that bring light to the world, protect us while we acquires this comfort, and let the system of social justice protect us from wrong -doing, yielding swasti for us.
हम लोग (स्वस्तये) सुख, शान्नि और आनन्द की प्राप्-ति के लिए (वायुम्) बल के भण्डार और (सोमम्) शान्ति के सागर परमात्मा को (उप ब्रवामहै) पुकारते हैं, उसकि महीमा का गान करते हैं, उसकी उपासना करते हैं (यः) जो (भुवनस्य) विश्वब्रहमाण्ड का (पतिः) पालक और रक्षक सै, वह समारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण के। (सर्वगणम्) गण=समुदाय=शिष्य-प्रशिष्ययसहित (बृहस्पतिम्) वेदविध्या के रक्षक आचार्य का हम (स्वस्तये) अपने कल्याण के लिए आव्हान करते हैं। प्रभो! (नः) हमारे (स्वस्तये) कल्याण के लिए (आदित्यास) वेद-वेदाग्ङों में निष्णात अड़तालीस वर्ष के अखण्ड ब्रहम्चारी (भवन्तु) उत्पन्न हों।
मनो॒र्यज॑त्रा अ॒मृता॑ ऌत॒ज्ञाः। ते नो॑ रासन्तामुरूगायम॒ध्य यूयं पा॑त स्वस्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥८॥
स्वस्ति मि॑त्रावरूणा स्व॒स्ति प॑थ्ये रेवति। स्व॒स्ति न॒ इन्द्र॑श्चा॒ग्निश्च॑ स्वस्ति नो॑ अदिते कृधि ॥६॥
6.Swasti mitraa varunaa swasti pathye revati Swasti na indrash chaag-nish cha swasti no adite kridhi.
Mother Earth! May you cause us to walk on the path of individual enrichment while we make use of hydrogen and oxygen, and electricity and fire.
(मित्रावरूणा) प्राण और उदानवायु हमारे लिए (स्वस्ति) कल्याण-कारक हों (पथ्ये) वैदिक पथ, वैदिक कर्मकाण्ड में उपयोगी (रेवति ) गौएँ हमारे लिए (स्वस्ति) कल्याण प्रदान करनेवाली हों (नः) हमारे लिए (वायुः) वायु (च) और (अग्निः) विध्युत् (स्वस्ति) कल्याणकारक हों (च) और (अदिते) हे अविनाशी, सदा एकरस विध्यमान प्रभो! (नः) हमारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण (कृधि) कीजिए।
स्व॒स्ति पन्था॒मनु॑ सुर्साचन्द्र॒मसा॑विव। पुन॒र्दद॒ताध्न॑ता जान॒ता सं ग॑मेहि ॥७॥ – ऋ० २।२१।१२
  1. Swasti panthaam anucharema sooryaa chandra-masaa viva. Punar dada-taagh-nataa jaana-taa sanga-memahi – Rig Veda 2:21:12
Let us all follow the path of swasti like the sun and moon. Let us be in the company of those who give of what they have, who never hurt the feelings of others, except when it is for one s own good, and who know much of God and His Wisdom.
Mantras of Rig and Yajur Veda
Here we begin the Shaanti Karana the prayers to God and the Cosmic Forces for peace in our personality. Without Shaanti, there can be no Swasti. Without peace there can be no nobility in life. And, this Shaanti is the actual cooling down of the five fires of lust, anger, greed, infatuation and vanity that perpetually burn and destroy our divine energy
शं न॑ इन्द्रा॒ग्नी भ॑वता॒मवो॑भिः॒ शं न॒ इन्द्रा॒वरी॑णा रा॒ह॑व्या। शमिन्द्रा॒सोमा॑ सुविताय शं योः शं न॒ इन्द्रा॑पू॒षणा॒ वाज॑सातौ॥१॥ ऋ० ७।३५।१
  1. Shanna indraagni bhawa-taam avobhih shanna indraa varunaa raata-havyaa. Shamindraa somaa su-vi-taaya shamyoh shanna indraa poosha-naa vaaja-saatau
May the Supreme One, possessed of Radiant Light, give us peace with His protective powers. May the Supreme One, possessed of Choiceworthiness, bountiful in gifts, bring us peace. May the Supreme One and His Devotion create tranquility in us. And, may the Supreme One and His Nourishment grant us harmony in the battle of life.
शं नां॒ भगः॒ शमु॑ नः॒ शंसो॑ अस्तु॒ शं नः॒ पुर॑न्धिः॒ शमु॑ सन्धु॒ राय॑। शं नः॑ सत्यस्य॑ सु॒यम॑स्य शंसः॒ शं नो॑ अर्य॒मा पु॑रूजा॒तो अ॑स्तु॥२॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।२
  1. Shanno bhagah shamu nah shanso astu shannah puran-dhih shamu santu raayah. Shannah satyasya su-yamasya shansah shanno aryamaa puru-jaato astu.
May our fortune yield us peace; may the observance of law and order in society bring us peace. May economic prosperity that sustains citizenship confer peace. May our practice of truth and self-discipline generate peace, and may the soul, who performs actions and is born again and again, progress in peace.
शं नो॑ धा॒ता शमु॒ ध॒र्ता नो॑ अस्तु॒ शं न॑ उरू॒ची भ॑वत स्व॒धाभिः॑। शंरोद॑सी बृह॒ती शं नो॒ अद्रः॒ शं नो॑ देवानं॑ सु॒हवा॑नि सन्तु॥३॥ ऋ० ७।३५।१
  1. Shanno dhaataa shamu dhartaa no astu shanna u-roo-chee bhawatu swadhaabhih. Sham rodasee birhatee shanno adrih shanno dewaanaam suha-waani santu.
May air and sunlight be peacefully supportive of life. May the spacious earth, with its life-sustaining grains, produce peace in us. May the extensive sky, containing mountain-shaped masses of clouds, rain down peace, and may our invocations of Nature’s bounties be chanted in peace.
शं नो॑ अ॒ग्निज्र्योति॑रनीको अस्तु॒ शं नो॑ मि॒त्रावमू॑णाव॒श्विना॒ शम्। शं नो॑ सु॒कृतां॑ सुकृतानि॑ सन्तु॒ शं न॑ इपि॒रो अभि वा॑तु॒ वानः॑॥४॥ ऋ० ७।३५।४
  1. Shanno agnir jyotir aneeko astu shanno mitraa varunaa vash-vinaa sham. Shannah sukirtaam sukri-taani santu shanna ishiro abhi-vaatu vaatah.
May fire, whose force is light, bring us peace. May hydrogen and oxygen,, and all other dual forces, generate peace. May the actions of righteous people create an atmosphere of peace, and may the refreshing winds blow peace on us.
शं नो॒ ध्यावा॑पृथि॒वि पुर्वहू॑तौ॒ शम॒न्तरि॑क्षं दृ॒शये॑ नो अम्तु। शं न॒ ओष॑धीर्व॒निनो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नो॒ रज॑स॒स्पति॑रस्तु जिप्णुः॥४॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।५
  1. Shanna dyaavaa prithivee poorva-hootau sham anta-riksham dirshaye no astu. Shanna osha-dheer vanino bhawantu shanno rajas as patir-astu jishnuh.
May light and darkness inspire peace at the time of dawn when we make our first invocations, and may the sky be there for us to look at, to expand our vision. May medicinal herbs and forest trees contribute to health and a peaceful surrounding. And may the sun that victoriously rules over the planetary system be for our peace.
शं न॒ इन्द्रो॒ वसु॑भिदे॒वो अस्तु॒ शमा॑दि॒त्येभि॒र्वरू॑णः सु॒शंसः॑। शं नो॑ रू॒द्र रू॒द्रे॒भि॒र्जलाषः॒ शं न॒स्त्वष्टा॒ ग्नाभि॑रि॒ह श्रृ॑णोतु॥६॥ ऋ० ७।३५।६
  1. Shanna indro vasu-bhir devo astu sham aaditye-bhir varunah su-shansah Shanno rudro rudre-bhir jalaashah shannas twash-taag-naa-bhi-riha shri-notu
May electricity, the cosmic force acting in conjunction with the eight Vasus that keep the universe inhabited, send forth peace to us. May the twelve months that make up the year give us peace. May the soul that is made comfortable in the body by the presence of the vital airs traverse the pathways of the world in peace. And, may the discriminating scholar, with his words of inspiration, motivate us to listen for peace.
शं नः॒ सोमो॑ भवसु॒ ब्रह्म॒ शं नः॒ शंनो॒ ग्रावाण॒ शमु॑ सन्तु य॒यज्ञः। शं नः॒ स्वरू॑णां मितयो॑ भोवन्तु॒ शं नः॑ प्रस्वहः शमव॑स्तु वेदिः॑॥७॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।७
  1. Shannah somo bhavatu brahma shannah shanno graa-vaa-nah shamu santu yaj-yaah. Shannah swaroo-naam mitayo bhawantu shannah praswah sham vastu vedih.
May the devotion and prayer that we generate in our ceremonies bring us supreme peace. May the ceremonies themselves, and everything associated with them  the ceremonial altars, the stones used to build them, the measurements of the pillars in the ceremonial halls, and the well-grown herbs offered onto the blazing ceremonial fires all yield peace unto us.
शं नः॒ सूर्य॑ उरू॒चक्षा॒ उदे॑तु॒ शं न॒श्चत॑स्रः प्रदिशो॑ भवन्तु। शंनः॒ पर्व॑ता धु॒वयो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नः॒ सिन्ध॑वः॒ घमु॑ सन्त्वापः॑॥८॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।८
यज्जाग्र॑तो दू॒रदैति॒ दैव॒न्तदु॒ सु॒प्तस्य॒ तथैवै॒ति॑ । दू॒र॒ङ्ग॒मञ्ज्योति॑षा॒ ज्योति॒रेक॒न्तन्मे॒ मनेः॑ शिवसं॑कल्पमस्तु ॥३॥
  1. Yaj jaagrato dooram udaiti daivam tadu suptasya tathai-vaiti. Doo-ranga-mam jyotishaam jyoti-rekam tan-me manah shiva-sankalpam astu.
That far-going light of all lights that flies to distances in one’s wakeful state, and even so, in one’s sleep, may that my mind be filled with beautiful and benevolent thoughts. [Lights: cognitive senses seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Light: mind the coordinator of all the senses. Far-going: the mind wanders off to distant places.]
येन॒ कर्म॑ण्य॒पसो॑ मनी॒षिणो॑ य॒ज्ञे कृ॒ण्वान्ति॑ वि॒दते॑षु॒ धीराः॑ ।यद॑पूं॒र्व य॒क्षम॒न्तः प्र॒जाना॒न्तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वसं॑कल्पमस्तु ॥४॥
  1. Yena karmaan-yapaso manee-shino yaj-ye krinvanti vida-the-shu dheeraah Yada-poorvam yak-sham antah prajaa-naam tan-me manah shiva-sankalpam astu
That mind, with the help of which wise people perform sacred deeds in sacrifices, and patient people enter in to the battlefield of life, that which is the unique, mysterious light hidden in the innermost recess of our hear, may that my mind be filled with beautiful and benevolent thoughts.
यत्प्रज्ञानमु॒त चेसो धृति॑श्च॒ यज्ज्योति॑र॒मृत॑म्प्रजासु॑ । यस्मा॒न्न ऋ॒ते किञ्च॒न कर्म॑ क्रि॒यते॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वसं॑कल्पमस्तु ॥५॥
  1. Yat praj-yaanam uta cheto dhristish cha yaj-jyotir antar amritam prajaasu. Yasmaan na rite kin-chana karma kriyate tan-me manah shiva-sankalpam astu.
The mind which is consciousness in itself, which is awareness,that which is patience, and sustenance and memory, that which is the amritaa jyotee, the deathless light, hidden in the hearts of all created beings, that without which no action can be performed, may that my mind be filled with beautiful and benevolent thoughts.
येने॒दम्भू॒तं भुव॑नम्भवि॒ष्यतप- रि॑गृहीतम॒मृते॑न॒ सर्व॑म् । येन॑ यज्ञस्तायते॑ स॒प्तहो॑ता॒ तन्मे॒ मनेः॑ शि॒वसं॑कल्पमस्तु ॥६॥
  1. Yene-dam bhootam bhuwa-nam bhavish-yat pari-gri-heetam armritena sarvam. Yena yaj-yas taayate sapta hotaa tan-me manah shiva-sankalpam astu
That deathless light by which is sustained all this past, present and future, that by which the sacrifice that has seven priests in extended and spread, may that my mind be filled with beautiful and benevolent thoughts.
यस्मि॒न्नृचः॒ साम॒ यजू॑म्षि यस्मि॒न्प्र- ति॑ष्ठिता रथना॒भावि॑वा॒राः । यस्मिँश्चिच॒त्तँ हर्वमोत॑म्प्र॒जाना॒न्तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वसं॑कल्पमस्ती ॥७॥
  1. Yasminn richah saama yajoomshi yasmin pratish-thi-taa ratha-naa-bhaa-vi-vaa-raah. Yas-minsh-chittam sarva-motam prajaa-naam tan-me manah shiva-sankalpam astu
That mind in which is sustained the knowledge of the Rigveda, the music of the Saamaveda, and the sacred deeds of the Yajur, like the spokes in the hub of a wheel, that in which is woven and interwoven all consciousness of all beings, may that my mind be filled with beautiful and benevolent thoughts.
सु॒षा॒र॒थिरश्वा॑निव॒ यन्म॑नुष्या- न्नेनी॒यते॒ऽभीशुर्वाजिन॑ इव ।हृत्प्रति॑ष्ठं यद॑जि॒रं जवि॑रं तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वसं॑कल्पमस्तु ॥८॥
  1. Su-shaa-rathir ash-waan iva yan manushayaan ne-nee- yate bhee-shu-bhir vaa-jina iva Hrit pra-tish-tham yada-jiram javish-tham tan-me manah shiva-sankalpam astu
That mind which ever leads men like an expert charioteer controlling the reins of his horses, that which is heart-abiding, ever moving and the speediest of all forces, may that my mind be filled with beautiful and benevolent thoughts.
स नः पवस्व शं गवे शं जनाय शमर्वते । शं राजन्नोषधिभ्यः ॥२६॥ -साम० उत्तरा ० १।१।३
  1. Sa nah pawas-wa shanga-ve sham janaaya sha-mar-vate. Sham raajan-nosha-dhee-bhyah. Sama Veda 1:1:3
Bring peace to the world of animals with our flow, O King, and peace to the world of human beings, too. Peace, indeed, to the world of trees and plants.
अभ॑यं नः करत्य॒न्तरि॑क्षमभ॑यं॒ ध्यावा॑पृथि॒वी उ॒भे इ॒मै । अभ॑यं प॒श्चाभ॑यं पुरस्ता॑दुत्त- रादष॑यं नो अस्तु ॥२७॥ -अथर्व० १६।१२।२
  1. Abhayan-nah karat-yanta-riksham abhayam dyaawaa prithivee ubhe ime. Abhayam pash-chaad abhayam puras-taaad utta-raad adha-raad abhayam no astu. Atharva Veda 16:12:2
May the sky cause us no fear, no fear from both heaven and earth. No fear from behind, nor from in front. Let there be fearlessness from above and from below
अभ॑यं मि॒त्रादभ॑यम॒मित्रा॒दभ॑यं ज्ञा॒तादभ॑यं परोक्षा॑त् । अभ॑यं॒ नक्त॒मभ॑यं॒ दिवा॑ नः॒ सर्रव॒ आशा मम॑ मि॒त्र भ॑वन्तु ॥२८॥ -अथर्व० १६।१२।६
  1. Abhayam mitraad abhayama mitraad abhayam jyaa-taad abhayam parok-shaat. Abhayam naktam abhayam divaa nah sarvaa aashaa mama mitram bhawantu
No fear from the friend, nor from the enemy. No fear from the known, nor from the unknown. No fear in the night, nor in the day. May we be friends unto all directions, and may all directions be friendly unto us. [Directions: all creatures living in East, West, North, South, above and below.]Iti Shaanti Karanam. Shaanti Karana Chant ends
Arranging the Samidhaa (sacrificial fuel) in the Kundaa.
अथ अग्निप्रदीपन – Atha Pra-dee-pana: ओं भूर्भुवः । गोभिल गृह्य ० १।१।११
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah Swah.
Before I kindle this sacrificial fire, I meditate on the light of wisdom that pervades earth, sky and heaven, and I pray that this wisdom may be my unerring guide in my quest to know my soul, God and the Universe.
अग्नि आधान ओं भूर्भुवः॒ स्वर्ध्यौरि॑व भू॒म्ना पृ॑थि॒वीव॑ वरि॒म्णा। तस्या॑स्ते पृथिवि देवयजनि पृष्ठे॒ऽ ग्निम॑न्ना॒दमन्नाध्या॒याद॑धे॥ यजु० ३।५
AGNI AADHAANA: Placing the sacrificial fire in the kunda. Chant the following mantra first.
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swar dyau-rva bhoomnaa prithi-veeva varimaa. Tasyaas-te prithivi deva-yayani! prish-the’gni mannaa da-mannaa dyaayaa dadhe.
Kindling this fire that pervades earth, sky and heaven, I pray that I become broad in vision like heaven, and richly abundant like earth. O Earth, many sages in ancient times, seated on your surface, perfeormed this sacrifice. Today, I place this food- consuming fire ont this very surface of yours. May I acquire wholesome food.
अग्नि समिन्धन ओम् उद् वृ॑ध्यस्वाग्ने॒ प्रति॑जागृहि॒ त्मि॑ष्टापू॒त्र्ते समँ सृ॑जेथाम॒यं। न्त्स॒धस्थेऽअध्युत्त॑रस्मिन् विश्वे॑ देवा॒ यज॑मानश्च सिदत॥ -यजु० १२।२४
AGNI SAMIDHANA: Fanning the fire (if necessary), causing it to rise.
  1. Om ud-budhyas-waagne prati-jaagrihi twam ishtaa poorte sam-srije-thaam ayan cha. Asmiint sa-dhasthe adhyut-tarasmin vishwe devaa yaja-maanash cha seedata
Be awakened, O Divine Fire, and watch over my life. May both you and this sacrificer, together, accomplish earthly and heavenly deeds. In this life, and in future lives too, may all wise men and the sacrificer be seated together for this noble performance.
समिद् आधान – ओम् अयन्त आत्मा जातवेदस्तेनेध्यस्व वध्र्दस्व चेध्द वर्धय चास्मान् प्रजया पशुभिर्ब्रह्मवर्चसेनान्नाध्येन सरेधय स्वाहा॥ इदमग्नये जातवेदसे-इदन्न मम॥१॥ यजु० ३।५
SAMID AADHAANA:- Offering three Samidhaas (pieces of sacrificial fuel)
  1. Om ayanta idhama aatamaa jaata-vedas tene-dhyaswa ched-dha vardhaya chaas-maan praja-yaa pashu-bhir brahma-varchase naan-naa-dyena samedhaya swaaha. Idam agnaye, idanna mama. (With this mantra, offer first Samidhaa.)
O Jaata-vedas Agni! O Divine Fire present in all creation! This, my body, is a fuel offered unto You. Be kindled with this fuel, and make us shine in our lives. Become enhanced and make us go forward, enriching us with noble offspring, comfort in life, proper food, and with the brilliance of Divine Knowledge. This offering is made from the depth of my own soul unto Jaata-vedas Agni; this is no more mine.
ओं स॒मिधा॒ग्निं दु॑वस्यत घृ॒तैर्बोधय॒ताति॑थिम्। आस्मि॑न् ह॒व्या जु॑होतन॒ स्वाहा॑॥ इदमग्नये-इदन्न मम॥
  1. Om samidhaagnim duwasyata ghritair bodhaya taa-ti-thim. Aasmin havyaa juho-tana swaaha. Idam agnaye, idanna mama. (Do not offer samidhaa with this mantra)
Serve Agni with well-kindled powers and awaken that Guest with the essence of your personality. In this physical fire, make your offerings to God and the cosmic forces.
सुस॑मिध्दाय शो॒चिपे॑ घृतं ती॒व्रं जु॑होतन। अग्नये॑ जा॒तवे॑दसे॑ स्वाहा॑। इदमग्नये जातवेदसे – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Su-samid-dhaaya sho-chi-she ghritam teevram juhotana Agnaye jaata-vedase swaahaa. Idam agnaye jaata-vedase, idanna mama. (after mantras 5 and 6, offer second Samidhaa)
Unto this well-kindled, blazing fire, unto this Jaata-vedas Agni,offer the supremely purified essence of your personality. This is truthfully unot Jaata-vedas Agni, and no more mine.
तन्त्वा॑ स॒मिद्भि॑रग्हिरो घृतेन॑ वध्र्दयामसि। बृहच्छो॑चा यविष्ठ्य॒ स्वाहा॑॥ इदमग्नयेऽग्हिरहे – इदन्न ममयजु० ३।३
  1. Tan-twaa samid-bhir-angiro gritena vadha-yaamasi Brihach chho-chaa ya-vish-thya swaahaa. Idam agnaye angirase, idanna mama. (Offer 3rd Samidhaa)
We enhance you with sacrificial kindling and our purified essence, O Angiras. Blaze forth in brilliance, and vigorously burn out the impurity in this my body, offered for purification. This my body-offering is truthfully unto Angiras Agni; it is no more mine.
5 अयन्त आत्मा जातवेदस्तेनेध्यस्व वध्र्दस्व चेध्द वर्धय चास्मान् प्रजया पशुभिर्ब्रह्मवर्चसेनान्नाध्येन सरेधय स्वाहा॥ इदमग्नये जातवेदसे-इदन्न मम॥१॥ यजु० ३।५
PANCHA GHRIT AAHUTI: Five Ghee Oblations
  1. Om ayanta idhama aatamaa jaata-vedas tene-dhyaswa ched-dha vardhaya chaas-maan praja-yaa pashu-bhir brahma-varchase naan-naa-dyena samedhaya swaaha. Idam agnaye, idanna mama.
O Jaata-vedas Agni! O Divine Fire present in all creation! This, my body, is a fuel offered unto You. Be kindled with this fuel, and make us shine in our lives. Become enhanced and make us go forward, enriching us with noble offspring, comfort in life, proper food, and with the brilliance of Divine Knowledge. This offering is made from the depth of my own soul unto Jaata-vedas Agni; this is no moremine.
ओम् अदितेऽनुमन्यस्व ॥ गोभि० गृहा० १।३।१
Fill right palm with water, and sprinkle around the Kunda as directed.
  1. Om adite nu-man-yaswa.  (Sprinkle in East)
O Aditi! consent unto my life.
ओम् अनुमतेऽनुमन्यस्व ॥ गोभि० गृहा० १।३।२
  1. Om anumate nu-man-yaswa.  (West)
O Anumati! consent unto my life.
ओम् सरस्वत्यनुमन्यस्व ॥ गोभि० गृहा० १।३।३
  1. Om Saraswat-yanu-man-yaswa. (North)
O Saraswati! consent onto my life.
ओम् देव॑ सवितः॒ प्रसु॑व य॒ज्ञं प्रसु॑व यज्ञप॑तिं॒ भगा॑य। दि॒व्यो ग॑न्ध॒र्वः के॑त॒पूः केतं॑ नः पुनातु वाचस्पति॒र्वाचं॑ नः स्दतु|| यजु० ३Î।१
  1. Om deva savitah! prasuva yajyam prasuva yajya-patim bhagaaya. Divyo gandharwah keta-pooh ketan-nah punaatu vaachas-patir vaachan-nah swa-da-tu.  (Sprinkle in all four directions)
O Deva Savitar! inspire my life of sacrifice onward, and inspire me, the sacrificer, to attain fortune. The Divine waters sustain my body and wash my thought clean of impurity. May these waters, indeed, purify my thought and understanding. And may the Lord of Speech sweeten the words that I utter.
आघारावाज्यभागाहुति ओम् अग्नये स्वाहा ॥ इदमग्नये – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om agnaaye swaahaa. Idam agnaye, idanna mama (Make oblation into North)
Unto Agni, the force of cosmic strength, is this offering truthfully made. Nothing is mine.
ओम् सोमाय स्वाहा ॥ इदं सोमाय – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om somaaya swaahaa. Idam somaaya, idanna mama (Oblation into the South)
Unto Soma, the force of cosmic harmony, is this offering truthfully made. Nothing is mine.
ओम् प्रजापतये स्वाहा ॥ इदं प्रजापतये – इदन्न मम ॥ यजु० २२।३२
  1. Om prajaa-pataye swaahaa Idam prajaa-pataye, idanna mama (Center)
Unto Prjapati, the force of cosmic creation, is this offering truthfully made. Nothing is mine
ओम् इन्द्राय स्वाहा ॥ इदमिन्द्राय – इदन्न मम ॥ यजु० २२।६
  1. Om indraaya swaahaa. Idam indraaya, idanna mama. (Center)
Unto Indra, the force of cosmic control, is this offering truthfully made. Nothing is mine
प्रधान होम प्रातः कालाहुति
PRADHAANA HOMA:Principal Sacrifice, relating to the purpose of Havan.
PRAATAH KAAL AAHUTI: Morning Ghee-Saamagree Oblations
ओं सूर्यो॒ ज्योति॒ज्र्योतिः॒ सुर्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om sooryo jyotir jyotih sooryah swaahaa.
The Divine Sun possesses Light, and this Light shines in the rising sun. Swaahaa – this declaration of realized truth comes from the depth of my soul.
ओं सूर्यो॒ वर्चो॒ ज्योति॒र्वर्चःस्वाहा॑ ॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om sooryo varcho jyotir varchah swaahaa.
The Divine possesses Splendor, and this Splendor shines in the rising sun. Swaahaa
ओं च्योतिः॒ सूर्यः॒ सूर्यो ज्योतिः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om jyothih sooryah sooryo jyothih swaahaa.
Light resides in the Divine Sun, and the rising sun reflects this Light. Swaahaa.
ओं स॒जूर्दे॒वेन॑ सवि॒त्रा सजूरू॒षसेन्द्र॑वत्या। जु॒षाणः सूर्यो वेतु॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ यजु० ३।१०
  1. Om sajoor devena savitraa sajoo-rusha-sendra-vatyaa. Jushaanah sooryo vetu swaahaa.
The Divine Sun is in harmony with the rising sun and the brilliant dawn. May this beloved Divine Sun be realized in me.
प्रणान होम सायंकालाहुति ओम् अ॒ग्निर्वर्चो॒ ज्योति॒र्वर्चः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥२॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih swaahaa.
The Divine Fire possesses Light, and this Light shines in the earthly fire that we kindle at night. Swaahaa.
ओम् अगनि॒च्र्योति॒- ज्र्योति॑र॒ग्निः स्वाहा॑ ॥२॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om agnir varcho jyotir varchaah swaahaa.
The Divine Fire possesses Splendor, and this Splendor shines in the earthly fire. Swaahaa. (Chant the following silently, and make offering.)
ओम् अ॒ग्निच्र्योति॒- च्र्योर॒ग्निः स्वाहा॑ ॥३॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih swaahaa.
The Light shines in the earthly fire is the Light that belongs to the Divine Fire.
ओं स॒चुर्वे॒देन॑ सवि॒त्रा स॒जु रात्र्येन्द्र॑त्या । चुषा॒णो ऽअ॒ग्निर्वेतु सवाहा॑ ।४॥ यजु० ३।१०
  1. Om sajoor devena savitraa sajoo-raatryen-dra-vatyaa. Jushaanah agnir vetu swaahaa.
The Divine Fire is in harmony with the setting sun and with the moonlit night. May this beloved Divine Fire be realized in me.
प्रात सायमाहुति ओं भूरग्नये प्राणाय स्वाहा। इदमग्नये प्राणाय-इदन्न मम ॥१॥
PRAATAH SAAYAM AAHUTI: –Morning & Evening Oblations:Ghee and Saamagree
  1. Om bhoo-rag-naye praanaaya swaahaa. Idam agnaye praanaaya, idanna mama
Unto the earthly fire that acts like breath to energize all creatures, do I make this truthful offering
ओं भुवर्वायवेऽपानाय स्वाहा ॥ इदमादित्याय व्यानाय-इदन्न मम ॥२॥
  1. Om bhuwar-waaya-ve paanaa-ya swaahaa. Idam vaaya-ve paanaa-ya, idanna mama
Unto the atmospheric wind that cools the surrounding and removes the uneasiness by providing fresh air, do I make this truthful offering.
ओं स्वरादित्याय व्यानाय स्वाहा ॥ इदमादित्याय व्यानाय – इदन्न यय ॥३॥
  1. Om swar-aadit-yaaya vyaanaa-ya swaahaa. Idam aadit-yaaya vyaanaa-ya, idanna mama
Unto the heavenly sun that makes the world happy by giving light, and causing rain to fall and grains to ripen, do I make this truthful offering.
ओं भूर्भुवः स्वरग्निवाय्वादित्येभ्यः प्राणापानव्यानेभ्यः स्वाहा ॥ इदमग्निवाय्वादित्येभ्यः प्रणापा- नव्यानेभ्यः – इदन्न मम ॥४॥
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swaragni vaay-va-ditye-bhyah praana-paana vyaane-bhyah swaahaa. Idam agni vaay-vaa-ditye-bhyah praanaa-paana vyaane-bhyah, idanna mama
Unto earth, sky and heaven, and unto the corresponding fire, air and sun, with their functions of energizing, removing pains and making the world happy, do I make this truthful offering.
ओम् आपो ज्योति रसोऽमृतं ब्रह्म भूर्भुवः स्वरों स्वाहा ॥५॥
  1. Om aapo jyotee raso mritam brahma bhoor bhuwah swar-om swaahaa.
In the performance of this sacrifice, I have sought to discover the secrets surrounding 1.God, the Supreme-most, All-pervading, and of the nature of Light, Love and Immortality and the 2. Earth, Sky, and Heaven. Om Swaahaa! Yes, indeed, they have all been truthfully described in this sacrifice. May they all become known to me.
ओं यां मे॒धां दे॑वग॒णाः पि॒तर॑श्चो॒पास॑ते। तया॒ माम॒ध्य मे॒धयाऽग्ने॑ मे॒धावि॑नं कुरू॒ स्वाहा ॥६॥ यजु० ३२।१४
Praying for a functional intellect
  1. Om yaam medhaam deva-ganaah pitarash cho-paa-sate. Tayaa maa-madya medhayaag-ne medhaa-vinam kuru swaahaa.
O Radiant Lord of Knowledge! Make me knowledgeable today with that same knowledge which the company of learned men and fathers of wisdom strive to attain, so that I may indeed know You and the world.
ओं विश्वा॑नि दे सवितम्दुरि॒तानि॒ परा॒ सुव । यद् भ॒द्रन्तन्न॒ आ सु॑व॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ यजु० ३०।३
Praying for a discriminating intellect
  1. Om vishwaani deva savitar duritaani paraa-suva. Yad bhadram tan-na aasuva swaaha
Take away from my mind, Radiant Creator, all tendencies to transgress Your Laws, bring unto me, instead, all this is beautiful, benevolent and auspicious.
ओं अग्ने॒ नय सु॒पथा॑ रा॒ऽअ॒स्मान् विश्वा॑नि देव व॒युना॑नि विध्दान्। यु॒यो॒ध्य स्मज्जु॑हुरा॒णमेनो॒ भूयि॑ष्ठान्ते॒ नम॑ऽउकिंत विधेम ॥७॥ यजु० ४०।१६
Praying for a realized intellect
  1. Om agne naya su-pathaa raaye asmaan vishwaani deva vayu-nani vidwaan. Yuyo-dyas-maj juhuraanam eno bhooyish-thaan te nama uktim vidhema swaahaa
O Radiant Lord of Light! Lead me unto the right path that I may attain the wealth of liberation, for You know all the pathways that lead in that direction. Separate sin from me, for it only leads me astray. Again and again, I offer you words of salutations and praise.
  1. Om agnaye swaahaa. – (Offer onto the fire, to the North) Idam agnaye, idanna mama
उं सोमाय सवाहा ॥ इदं सोमाय – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om somaaya swaahaa. – (South) Idam somaaya, idanna mama.
ओं प्रचापतये सवाहा ॥ इदं प्रजापतये – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om prajaapataye swaahaa. – (Center) Idam prajaapataye, idanna mama
ओम् इन्द्राय स्वाहा ॥ इदमिन्द्राय – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om indraaya swaahaa. – (Center) Idam indraaya, idanna mama.
व्याहृति आहुति ओं भूरग्नये सवाहा ॥ इदमग्नये – इदन्न मम ॥
VYAAHRITI AAHUTI: Oblations fo Ghee with the Vyaahritis.
  1. Om bhoor agnaye swaahaa. Idam agnaye, idanna mama.
ओं भुवर्वायवे स्वाहा ॥ इदं वायवे – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om bhuwar vaayave swaahaa. Idam vaaayave, idanna mama.
ओं स्वरादित्याय स्वाहा ॥ इदमादित्याय – इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om swar aadityaaya swaahaa. Idam aadityaaya, idanna mama
ओं भूर्भुवः सवरग्निवाय्वादित्येभ्यः स्वाहा ॥ इदमग्निवाय्वादित्येभ्यः इदन्न मम ॥
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swaragni vaayvaa-dityebhyah swaahaa. Idam agni vaayvaa-dityebhyah, idanna mama.
अथ ब्रह्म गायत्रि हावित्रि गुरू मन्त्र BRAHMA GAAYATREE SAAVITREE GURU MANTRA
(Prayer for a faculty of constant bliss. Oblation with Ghee & Saamagree)
ओ३म् । भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः । तत्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॑ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि । धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त् यजु० ३६।३यजु० ३६।३
Faculty of constant Bliss
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. Tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi. Dhiyo yo nah pracho-dayaat swaahaa.
O Soul of Life, the Holy King of kings!
O God of all the regions, high and low,
O Lord of Joy, Whose Glory Nature sings,
Who shapes the earth and lets the mortals grow.
We seek Thy blessed Feet to meditate
Upon Thy Glorious Form of Holy Light
Which drives away the gloom of sins we hate
And makes the souls of righteous people bright
My heart, O Father, meekly prays to Thee
To win Thy Grace, to make me good and wise,
And bless my mind with knowledge, full and free
From dark and vicious thoughts of sins and lies.
स्विष्टकृत् आहुति Swishtkrit Aahutie
ओं यदस्य कर्मणोऽत्यरीरिचं यद्वा न्यूनमिहाकरम्। अग्निष्टत् स्विष्टकृद् विध्यात् सर्वं स्विष्टं सुहुतं करोतु मे। अग्नये स्विष्टकृते सुहुतहुते सर्वप्रायश्चित्ताहुतिनां कामानां समर्ध्दयित्रे सर्वान्नः कामान्त्समर्ध्दय स्वाहा॥ इदमग्न&ये स्विष्टकृते – इदन्न मम॥ आश्व० १।१०।२२
SWISHTA-KRIT AAHUTI: Bhaat [cooked grains] or Ghee.
42. Om yad asya karmano tyaree-richam yad waa nyoonam ihaa karam. Agnish tat swishta-krid vidyaat sarvam swish-tam su-hutam karotu me. agnaye swishta-krite su-huta-hute sarva-praayash-chitta-huteenaam kaamaa-naam samar-dhayi-tre sarvaan nah kamaant samar-dhyaya swaahaa. Idam agnaye, swishta-krite, idanna mama.
Agni, the All-knowing One, fully knows whatever is excessive or lacking in my performance of this sacrifice. May He, the Fulfiller, fulfill my sacrifice by harmonizing it with my intent and making it well-performed. I beseech Him to make me successful in all that I desire. I address this prayer to Him Who fulfills all offerings and makes them well-performed, Who accepts all confession and repentance, and Who grants success in all righteous wishes. All this is unto Agni, the Fulfiller; nothing is mine.
ओं प्राजापतये स्वाहा ॥ इदं प्राजापये – इदन्न मम ॥ PRAA-JAA-PAT-YAAHUTI
Silent Oblation to Prajaapati with Ghee and Samaagree.
  1. (Chant silently.) Om prajaa-pata-ye swaahaa.
Unto Prajapati, the Silent Witness to the drama of this Universe is this offering made. Nothing is mine.
पूर्णाहुति ओं सर्वं वै पूर्णम् स्वाहा ॥ POORN AAHUTI
Final Oblation for completion. Offer remaining Ghee and Saamagree. If performing longer Havan, skip this final offering and continue with Mantra 45.
  1. Om sarvam vai poornam swaahaa. (Chant thrice, each time offer Ghee & Samagri)
All is perfect; all is complete. Indeed, all is final; all is complete. May the perfection and completeness of this ancient Vedic ritual become a part of my personality.
Mantras and Oblations for Big, Special Occasions. PAVA-MAAN AAHUTI
Oblations for the Purification and Enlightenment.
बृहद् विशेष यज्ञ पवमान आहुति ओं भूर्भुवः स्वः । अग्न॒ आयूं॑षि पवस॒ आ सु॒वोर्जमिषं॑ च नः ॥ आ॒रे बा॑धस्व दु॒च्छुनां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ इदमग्नये पवमानाय – इदन्न मम॥ ऋ&० ९।६६।१९
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. Agna aayoomshi pawasa aa-suvor jamisham cha nah. Aare baadhas-wa duch-chhu-naam swaahaa. Idam agnaye pwa-maanaa-ya, idanna mama
O Agni! Purify and lengthen our lives and send down food and energy. Drive misfortune far away from us. [Agni: refers to God.]
ओं भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॑ । अग्निर्ऋषिः॒ पव॑मानः पाञ्च॑जन्यः पु॒रोहि॑तः ॥ तमि॑महे महाग॒यं स्वाहा ॥ इदमग्नये पवमानाय – इदन्न मम ऋ० ९।६६।२०
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. Agnir rishih pawa-maanah paancha-janyah purohitah. Tamee-mahe mahaa-gayam swaaha. Idam agnaye pawa-maanaa-ya, idanna mama.
Agni sees through our lives with penetrating vision and takes away impurities. He is the Benefactor of all five classes of human beings in society. He occupies supreme importance in all undertakings. To him, whose glory is widely proclaimed, to do we offer our supplications.
ओं भूर्भुवः॒ । अन्ने पव॑स्व स्वपा॑ अ॒स्मे वर्वः॑ सुविर्य॑म्॥ दध॑द्र॒यिं मयि॒ पोषं॒ स्वाहा॑॥ इदमग्नये पवमानाय – इदन्न मम ॥ ऋ० ६।६।२१
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. Agne pawas-wa swa-paa asme varchah su-veeryam. Dadhad rayim mayi posham swaahaa. Idam agnaye pawa-maanaa-ya, idanna mama
Agni, Performer of benevolent deeds! Pour forth on us the brilliance of Divine Knowledge and heroic vigor. Grant us wealth that nourishes.
O Prajaapati, Master of all creatures! No-one, other than You, comprehends the creatures of this visible and other invisible worlds. Grant us our heart’s desire, for which we invoke You, and bless us to be masters of riches.
ओं भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॑। प्रजा॑पते न त्वदे॒तान्य॒न्यो विश्वा॑ जातानि॒ परि ता ब॑भूव। यतका॑मास्ते जुहु॒मस्तन्नो॑ अस्तु व॒यं सया॑म पत॑यो मयि॒णां ॥ इदं प्रापतये – इदन्न मम ॥ ऋ० १०।१२१।२०
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. prajaa-pate! Na twad etaan-yanyo vishwaa jaataani pari taa bahoowa Yat kaamaas-te juhumas tan-no astu vayam syaama patayo rayeenaam swaahaa. idam prajaa-pataye, idanna mama.
Agni, Performer of benevolent deeds! Pour forth on us the brilliance of Divine Knowledge and heroic vigor. Grant us wealth that nourishes.
अश्टाज्य आहुति ASHT AAJYAA-HUTI:
ओं त्वं नो॑ऽअग्ने॒ वरूं॑णस्य वि॒व्दान् दे॒वस्य॒ हेळोऽ व॑ यासिसीश्ठाः। यजि॑ष्ठो॒ वह्नितमः॒ शोशु॑चानो॒ विश्वा॒ व्देषां॑सि प्र मु॑मुग्ध्य॒स्मत् स्वाहा॑। इदमग्नीवरूणाभ्याम् – इदन्न मम॥१॥ ऋ० ४।१।४
Eight Oblations for Auspiciousness.
  1. Om twan-no agne varunasya vidwaan devasya hedo vayaa-si-seesh-thaah. Yajish-tho vahni-tamah shoshu-chaano vishwaa dweshaan-si pra-mumug-dhyas-mat swaaha. Idam agnee-varunaa-bhyaam, idanna mama.
Agni, the Knowledgeable One! Drive away from us the tendency to show disrespect to any accomplished scholar in society. Supremely worshipped in our sacrifices, supreme in carrying our burdens, and supreme in brilliance, may you separate all forces of hatred from us
ओं स त्वं नो॑ अग्नेऽव॒मोभ॑वो॒ति नेदि॑ष्ठोऽअ॒स्या उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ। अव॑ यकयष्व नो॒ वरूणं॒ ररा॑णो वी॒हि मृ॑ळि॒कं सु॒हवो॑ न एधि॒ स्वाहा॥ इदमग्नीवरूणभ्याम् – इदन्न मम ॥२॥ ऋ० ४।१।२
  1. Om sa twan-no agne vamo bhawo-tee nedish-tho asyaa ushaso vyush-tau Ava yak-shwa no varunam ra-raano veehi mrideekam shuhawao na edhi swaahaa. Idam agnee-varunaa-bhyaam, idanna mama.
Agni, at this hour of the break of dawn, be close and nearest in offering help. In granting us knowledge, destroy all binding influences, promote our peaceful nature, and be ready to respond to our call for help.
ओम् डमं मे॑ वरूण श्रुधी॒ हव॑म॒ध्या च॑ मृळय। तवाम॑व॒स्युरा च॑के॒ स्वाहा ॥ इदं॑ वरूणाय – इदन्न मम ॥३॥ ऋ० १।२५।१९ o
  1. Om imam me varuna shrudi havyam adyaa cha mridaya.Twaam awasyu-raacha-ke swaahaa. Idam varunaaya, idanna mama.
Choiceworthy Varuna!hear this call of mine and be gracious today. Longing for your mercy do I call upon you.
ओं तत्त्वा॑ यामि॒ ब्रह्म॑णा वन्द॑मान॒स्तदा शा॑स्ते॒ यज॑मानो हविर्भिः। अहे॑ळमानो वरूणे॒ह बोध्युरू॑शंस॒ मा न॒ आयुः प्र मो॑षीः॒ सवाहा॑॥ इदं वरूणाय – इदन्न मम ॥४॥ ऋ० १।२४।११
  1. Om tat-twaa yaami brahmanaa vanda-maanas tad aashaas-te yajamaano havir-bhih. Aheda-maano varu-neha bo-dhyu-ru-shansa maa na aayuh pra-mo-sheeh swaahaa. Idam varunaaya, idanna mama.
I set my hope for the elevated life that a devoted person prays for with sacrificial offerings, and so I approach you, God, praising you with Vedic verses. Extensively praised by thoughtful minds, O Varuna, may you not disregard may call for help, but grant me, here and now, the wisdom I seek. While using that wisdom, let not my life be unexpectedly cut short.
ओं ये ते शतं वरूण ये सहस्रं यज्ञियाः पाशा वितता महान्तः। तेभिर्नोऽअध्य सवितोत वष्णुर्विश्वे मुञ्चन्तु मरूतः स्वर्काः स्वाहाः॥ इदं वरूणाय सवित्रे विष्णवे विश्वेभ्यो देवेभ्यो मरूभ्दध्यः स्वर्केभ्यः इदन्न मम॥ – कात्यायन श्रौत० १५।१।११
  1. Om ye te shatam varuna ye sahas-ram yaj-yi-yaah paashaah vita-taa mahaantah. Tebhir no adya savi-tota vishnur vishwe mun-chantu marutah swar-kaah swaahaa. Idam varunaaya savitre vishnave vishwe-bhyo devebhyo marud-bhyah swarke-bhyah, idanna mama.
Varuna! hundreds and thousands of Your gresat Laws, that relate to our life, are extended across this vast creation, and made to exercise their influence. O Omnipresent Impeller, and O enlightened men who teach us not to cry, we pray that through these laws, you may all help us to gain emancipation from the world.
ओम् अयाश्चाग्नेऽस्यनभिशस्ति- पाश्च सत्यमित्त्वमया असि। अया नो यज्ञं वहास्यया नो धेहि भेषजँ स्वाहा ॥ इदमग्नये अयसे – इदन्न मम ॥६॥ – कात्यायन श्रौत० १२।१।११
  1. Om ayaash chaagne syana-bhi shasti-paash cha satyam-it twam ayaa asi. Ayaa no yajyam vahaas-ya-yaa no dhehi bhesha-jam swaaha. Idam agnaye ayase, idanna mama
I declare truthfully, Agni, You are indeed found everywhere, and are the Protector of those free from sin. Carry our sacrifice to a successful end and sustain cure for our transgressions.
ओम् उदु॑त्त॒मं पाश॑मस्म॒- दवा॑ध॒मं वि म॑ध्य॒मं श्र॑थाय। अथा॑ व॒यमा॑दित्य व्र॒ते तवाना॑- गसो॒ अदि॑तये स्याम॒ ह्वाहा॑॥ इदं वरूणायाऽऽदित्या- याऽदितये च – इदन्न मम ॥७॥ – ऋ० १।२४।१२
  1. Om ud-ut tamam varuna paasham-asmad avaa-dhamam vi madhaya-mam shra-thaaya. Athaa vayam aaditya vrate tavaa-naa-gaso adita-ye syaama swaahaa. Idam varu-naayaa dit-yaayaa dita-ye cha, idanna mama.
Varuna! loosen the bonds that bind me  bonds of upper, middle and lower levels  so that we, O Imperishable One, may be sinless in Your Laws, and become worthy for the realm of Eternal Life.
ओं भ॑वतन्नः॒ सम॑नसौ॒ सचे॑तसावरे॒पसौ॑। मा य॒ज्ञँ सिष्टं॒ हज्ञप॑ति॑ जातवेदसौ शि॒वौ भ॑वतम॒ध्य नः॒ स्वाहा॑॥ इदं जातवेदोभ्याम्-इदन्न मम॥८॥ – यजु० २।३ ६।६।२१
  1. Om bhawatan-nah sa-manasau sa-cheta-saa vare-pasau. Maa yajyam him sish-tam maa yajyapatim jaataveda-sau shivau bhawatam adya nah swaahaa. Idam jaata-vedo-bhyaam, idanna mama.
O married couple! May both of you be for us of the same thought and knowledge, and sinless. May you both never cause harm to either the tradition of sacrifice or to the good name of sacrificers. May both of you be for us, today, possessors of much wealth, that you can show us grace and benevolence. [Couple: married people are motivated to earn, and they provide the means for society to go on through their acts of charity. This has always been so throughout the world, in all ages. Us: Teachers and social workers. Sacrifice: The carrier of Aryan/Vedic/Indian culture all through the Ages of history.] Go back to mantras 41 through 44, if you have previously skipped it.
ओं तनूपा अग्नेऽसि तन्वं पाहि॥ ओं आयुर्दा अग्नेऽस्हायुर्मे देहि॥ ओं वचर्चोदा अग्नेऽसि वर्चो मे देहि॥ ओं अग्नेयन्मे तन्वा ऊनं तन्म आपृण॥ ओं मेधं मे देवः सविता आदधातु॥ ओं मेधां मे देवि सरस्वति आदधातु॥ओं मेधां मे अश्विनौ देवावाधत्तां पुष्करस्रजौ॥ पार० कां० ४,७,८॥
पूर्णाहुति ओं सर्वं वै पूर्णम् स्वाहा ॥
Final Oblation for completion. Offer remaining Ghee and Saamagree.
  1. Om sarvam vai poornam swaahaa. (Chant thrice, each time offer Ghee & Samagri)
All is perfect; all is complete. Indeed, all is final; all is complete. May the perfection and completeness of this ancient Vedic ritual become a part of my personality.
बृहद् विशेष यज्ञ पवमान आहुति ओं भूर्भुवः स्वः । अग्न॒ आयूं॑षि पवस॒ आ सु॒वोर्जमिषं॑ च नः ॥ आ॒रे बा॑धस्व दु॒च्छुनां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ इदमग्नये पवमानाय – इदन्न मम॥
ऋ&० ९।६६।१९
With each mantra below, with hands outstretched to the fire, feel the warmth of fire and bring hands over face and body.
Om tanoopa agne si aayur me dehi.
Om aayur-daa agne si aayur me dehi.
Om varcho-daa agne si varcho me dehi,
Om agne yan-me tanwaa oonam tan-ma aa-prina,
Om medhaam me devah savitaa aa-da-dhaatu,
Om medhaam me devee saraswatee aa-da-dhaatu
Om medhaam me ashvi-nau devaa-vaa dhattaam push-karas-rajau
Agni! You are the Protector of the human body, protect my body.
You are the Giver of long life, give unto me long and healthy life.
You are the Source of brilliance – let Your brilliance radiate on my face.
Fulfill nay deficiency I have in my personality and sustain divine, sanctified intellect in me.
ओं वाक् च म आष्यायताम्॥ इस मन्त्र से मुख।
ओं प्रणश्च म आप्यायताम्। इस मन्त्ज से नासिका व्दारं।
ओं चक्षुश्च म आप्यायताम् इस मन्त्र से दोनों नेत्र।
ओं श्रोत्रञ्यायताम्॥ इस मन्त्र से दोनों कान।
ओं यशो बलञ्च म आप्यायताम्॥ इस मन्त्र से दोनों बाहुओं को स्पर्श करे।
पार० २।४।८ परि०
Om vaak cha ma aa-pyaa-ya-taam. (Lips)
Om praa-nash cha ma aa-pyaa-ya-taam. (Nostrils)
Om chak-shush cha ma aa-pyaa-ya-taam. (Eyes)
Om shro-tram cha ma aa-pyaa-ya-taam (Ears)
Om yasho-balam cha ma aa-pyaa-ya-taam. (Shoulders)
Let my speech find fulfillment.
Let my breathing, seeing, and hearing be fulfilled.
Let my arms earn me fame and strength.
ओ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॑। कया नश्चित्र आ भुवदूति सदावृधः सखा। कया शचिष्ठया वृता ॥१॥
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. kayaa nash chitra aa-bhuwad ootee sadaa -vridhah sakhaa Kayaa shachish-thayaa vritaa.
God resides in our mind, causing us to steadily progress. Through what kind of help would He become our Friend? Answer: Through His Presence that will make us most powerfully happy.
ओं भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॑ । कस्त्वा सत्यो मदानां मँ सिष्ठो मत्सदन्धसः। टृढा चिदारूजे वसु ॥२॥
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. Kas twaa satyo madaanaam mang hish-tho matsad andhasah. Dridhaa chid aaruje vasu.
Among the delightful things of this world, what will make you genuinely and abundantly happy? Answer: The power of that comes from devotion, that would help us snap asunder the heaviest of chains which keep us bound to ignorance.
ओं भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॑ । अभी षु णः सरवीनामविता जरितृणाम्। शतं भवास्यूतये ॥३॥ यजु० ३।५
  1. Om bhoor bhuwah swah. Abhee shu nah sakheenaam avitaa jari-treenaam. Shatam bhawaas-yoo-taye.
We seek to be Your friends who sing Your praises. Be our Supreme Protector, and come to us with countless forms of help. Iti Agnihotram. – Here comes to an end the Agnihotra Sacrifice (ritual).
ब्रहम स्तोत्र BRAHMA STOTRA
नमस्ते सते ते जगत्कारणाय, नमस्ते चिते सर्वलोकाश्रयाय, नमोऽव्दै ततत्त्वाय मुक्तिप्रदाय, नमो ब्रह्मणे व्यापिने शाश्वताय ॥१४॥
  1. Namaste sate te jagat kaara-naaya Namaste chite darva lokaa-shra-yaaya Namo dwaita tattwasya mukti pra-daaya Namo brahmane vyaapine shaash-wa-taaya
Salutation to that Being Who creates and supports the different worlds. Salutation to that Truth Who is unequalled, and Who grants liberation. Salutations to that Eternal Supreme Self Who pervades all regions.
त्वमेकं शरण्यं त्मेकं वरेष्यं, त्वमेकं जगत्पालकं स्वप्रकाशम्। त्वमेकं जगत्कर्तृ, पातृ प्रहर्तृ, त्वमेकं परं निश्चलं निविकल्पम् ॥१२॥
  1. Twame-kam sharanyam twame-kam swa prakaa-sham twame-kam jagat-paala-kam swa prakaa-sham Twame-kam jagat kartri paatri pra-har-tri Twame-kam param nish-cha-lam nir-vi-kalpam.
You are my sole Refuge, worthy of my final choice. You are the One Protector of the world with your Self-Radiance. You alone create, sustain and destroy the universe. You are the One Great Motionless Being free from change.
भयानां भयं भिषणं भिषणानां, औतिः प्राणिनां, पावनं पावनानाम्। महोच्चैः पदानां नियन्तृ त्वमेकं, परेषां परं रक्षणं रक्षाणानाम् ॥१६॥
  1. Bhayaa-naam bhayam bheesha-nam bheesha-naanaam Gatih praa-ni-naam paawa-nam paa-wa naa-naam Mahoch chaih padaa-naam niyantri twame-kam Pare-shaam param rak-sha-nam rak-sha-naa-naam.
Your are feared even by the fearless, and You rule even the rulers. You are the Goal of all creatures. You purify all those who teach the virtue of purity.
वयं त्वां स्मरामो, वयं त्वां भजामो, वयं त्वां जगत्साक्षिरूपं नमामः। सदेकं निधानं निरालम्बमिशम्, भवाम्भोधिपोतं शरण्यं व्रजामः ॥१७॥
  1. Vayam twaam sma-raa-mo vayam twaam bha-jaa-mo Vayam twaam jagat saak-shi roopam namaamah Sade-kam nidhaa-nam ni-raalam bameesham Bhawaam bhodhi potam sharan-yam vrajaa-mah.
We think of You, we worship You, we bow to You, O Witness to the drama of this universe. We go to the Shelter of that Unique Being  the Basis of everything, Self-supporting, and Supreme, – a vessel in the sea of Life.
न तस्य कशचित् पतिरस्ति लोके, न चेशिता नैव च तस्य लिङ्गम्। स कारणं करणाधिपाधिपो, न चास्य कश्चित् चनिता न चाधिपः ॥१७॥
  1. Na tasya kash-chit pati-rasti loke Na che-shi-taa naiva cha tasya lingam Sa kaa-ra-nam kara-naa-dhi-paadhi-po Na chaasya kash-chij janitaa na chaa-dhi-pah.
In this world, there is no-one above You, and no ruler greater than You. You are without form and image. You are the Ultimate Cause of all causes. No one ahs created You  You are the Creator of all.
तमिश्वराणां परमं महेश्वरं, तं देबतानां परमं हि दैवतम्। पतिं पतीनां परमं परस्ताद, विदाम देवं भुवनेशमिड्यम् ॥१८॥
  1. Tameesh-wa-raa-naam paramam mahesh-wa-ram Tam deva-taa-naam para-mam hi daiva-tam Patim pateee-naam para-mam paras-taad Vidaama devam bhuwa-nesha meed-yam.
We realize You as the Supreme Lord of all lords, the Supreme God of all gods, the Supreme Protector of all protectors, Lord of the world, Worthy of our praise.
त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव, त्वमेव बन्धुशॗच सखा त्वमेव। त्वमेव विध्या द्रविणं त्वमेव, त्वमेव सर्व मम देव देव ॥२०॥
  1. Twameva maataa cha pitaa twameva Twameva bandhush cha sakhaa twameva Twameva vidyaa dravinam twameva twameva sarvam mama deva deva
You alone are our Mother, Father, Brother and Friend. You are the Source of our learning and wealth. You are our all-in-all, God of all gods!
भोजन का मन्त्र MEAL TIME MANTRA
ओम् अन्न॑प॒तेऽन्न॑स्य नो देहिऽनमी॒वस्य॑ शु॒ष्मिणः॑।प्रप्र॑ दा॒तारं॑ तारिष॒ ऊर्ज॑ नो धेहि व्दि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे॥
Om annapate annasya no dehi ana-mee-wash-ya shushminah. Pra pra daataaram taarisha oorjan no dhehi dwipade cha-tushpade.
O Lord of Grains! Give us grains to eat that are healthy and nutritious. May You take him across the ocean of this world who makes a gift of grains to someone else in need. Let all bipeds and quadrupeds consuming grains be filled with energy.
नमः परम रिषिभ्यो नमः परम रिषिभ्यः
Namah Parama Rishibhyo Namah Parama Rishibhyah
Salutations again and again unto the great Rishis through whose graces this ancient form of divine worship has come down to us.
AARTIE – आरती
ओं जय जगदीश हरे, स्वामी जगदीश हरे। भक्तट, क्षण मेंदीर करे॥ ओं जय०॥
जो ध्यावे फल पावे, दुःख विनशे मन का। स्वामी दुःख०॥ सुख सम्पत्ति घर आवे, कष्ट मिटे तन का॥ ओं जय०॥
मात पिता तुम मेरे, शरण गहूँ किस की। स्वामी शरण०। तुम बिन और न दूजा, आस करूँ जिसकी॥ ओं जय०॥
तुम पूरण परमात्म, तुम अन्तर्यामी। स्वामी तुम०। परम ब्रह्म परमेश्वर, तुम सब के स्वामी॥ ओं जय०॥
तुमकरुणा के सागर, तुम पालन कर्ता। स्वामी तुम। मैं सेवक तुमस्वामी, कृपा करो भर्ता॥ ओं जय०॥
तुम हो एक अगोचर, सब के प्राणपति। स्वामी सब०। जिस विधि मिलूँ दयामय, ऐसी दो सुमति॥ ओं जय०॥
दिन-बन्धु दुःख-हर्ता, तुमरक्षक मेरे। स्वामी तुम०। करुणा-हस्त बढ़ाओं, शरण पड़ा तेरे ॥ ओं जय०॥
विषय-विकार मटाओ, पाप हरो देवा। स्वामी पाप०। श्रध्दा भक्ति बढ़ाओ, संतन की सेवा॥ ओं जय०॥
Om Jaye Jagdish Hare, Swami Jaye Jagdish Hare
Bhakt Jano Ke Sankat, jhan Mein Dur Kare …
Jo Dhaywe Phal Pave, Dukh Vinshe Man Ka
Sukh Sampati Ghar Aave, Kasht Mite Tan Ka …
Maat-Pita Tum Mere, Sharan Gahun Kiskee
Tum Bin Aur Na Duja, Aas Karun Jiskee …
Tum Puran Parmatma, Tum Antaryami
Par-Brahm Parmeshwar, Tum Sabke Swami …
Tum Karuna Ke Saagar, Tum Palankarta
Deen dayaalu kripaalu, Kripa Karo Bharta …
Tum Ho Ek Agochar, Sabke Pran Pati
Kis Vidhi Mile Dayamay, Tumko Mein Kumti …
Deenbandhu Dukh Harta, Tum rakshak Mere
Karunaa hast barhaa-o, Dwar Para Tere …
Vishay Vikaar Mitao, Paap Haro Deva
Shradha Bhakti Barao, Santan Ki Sewa …
Om Jaye Jagdish Hare, Swami Jaye Jagdish Hare
Bhakt Jano Ke Sankat, jhan Mein Dur Kare …
Shaantih Paath
Dyauh shaanti-antariksham shaantih
prithivee shaanti-aapah shaanti
osha-dhayah shaantih.
Vanas-patayah shaantih vishwe devaah shaantih.
Brahma shaantih sarvam shaantih
shaanti-eva shaantih.
Saa maa shanti–edhi.
May there be peace in the heavenly regions!
May there be peace in the atmosphere!
May peace reign on earth!
May the waters be soothing and may the medicinal herbs be healing!
May the plants be the source of peace to all!
May all enlightened persons bring peace to us!
May the Vedas spread peace throughout!
May all other objects bring peace onto us!
And may peace bring even more peace!
And may that peace come to us forever!
Om Shaanti, Shaanti, Shaanti Om.
आर्यसमाज के दश नियम Ten Principles of Arya Samaj
१: सब सत्य विद्या और जो पदार्थ विद्या से जाने जाते हैं, उन सबका आदिमूल परमेश्वर है
God is the original source of all that is true knowledge and all that is known by physical sciences.
२: ईश्वर सच्चिदानन्दस्वरूप, निराकार, सर्वशक्तिमान्, न्यायकारी, दयालु, अजन्मा, अनन्त, निर्विकार, अनादि, अनुपम, सर्वाधार, सर्वेश्वर, सर्वव्यापक, सर्वान्तर्यामी, अजर, अमर, अभय, नित्य, पवित्र और सृष्टिकर्त्ता है । उसी की उपासना करनी योग्य है ।
God is existent, Conscious, All Beautitude, Formless, Almighty, Just, Merciful, Unbegotten, Infinite, Unchangeable, Beginningless, Incomparable, the support of All, the Lord of all, All-pervading, Omniscient and Controller of All from within, Evermature, Imperishable, Fearless, Eternal, Pure and Creator of the universe. GOD alone must be worshipped.
३ : वेद सब विद्याओं का पुस्तक है । वेद का पढ़ना-पढ़ाना और सुनना-सुनाना सब आर्यों का परम धर्म है
The Vedas are the books of all TRUE knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all Aryas to read them, to teach them to others, to listen to them and to recite them to others.
४ : सत्य के ग्रहण करने और असत्य को छोड़ने में सर्वथा उद्यत रहना चाहिए ।
All persons should always be ready to accept the truth and renounce the untruth.
५ : सब काम धर्मानुसार अर्थात् सत्य और असत्य को विचार करके करने चाहियें ।
All acts ought to be performed in conformity with dharma (Righteousness and Duty) i.e. after due consideration of the truth and the untruth.
६ : संसार का उपकार करना इस समाज का मुख्य उद्देश्य है । अर्थात् शारीरिक, आत्मिक और सामाजिक उन्नति करना ।
The primary object of the Arya Samaj is to do good to the whole world i.e. to promote physical, spiritual and social progress of all humans.
७ : सबसे प्रीतिपूर्वक धर्मानुसार यथायोग्य वर्तना चाहिए ।
Your dealings with all should be regulated by love and due justice in accordance with the dictates of dharma (righteousness).
८ : अविद्या का नाश और विद्या की वृद्धि करनी चाहिए ।
Avidyaa (illusion and ignorance) is to be dispelled, and Vidyaa (realisation and acquisition of knowledge) should be promoted.
९ : प्रत्येक को अपनी ही उन्नति से सन्तुष्ट न रहना चाहिए, अपितु सबकी उन्नति में अपनी उन्नति समझनी चाहिए ।
None should remain satisfied with one’s own elevation only, but should incessantly strive for the social upliftment of all, realise one’s own elevation in the elevation of others.
१० : सब मनुष्यों को सामाजिक, सर्वहितकारी नियम पालने में परतन्त्र रहना चाहिए और प्रत्येक हितकारी नियम में सब स्वतन्त्र रहें ।
All persons ought to dedicate themselves necessarily for the social good and the well being of all, subordinating their personal interest, while the individual is free to enjoy freedom of action for the individual well being.

5 thoughts on “Agnihotra”

  1. Varenya Koluguri

    sir, thank you very much, I’m Varenya from Hyderabad.
    but I didn’t find in this:
    Om Tejoo asi tejo me dehi
    Om Veeryam asi veeryam me dehi…
    This mantra, and there is a small mistake in Samidha Chayana 4th and 8th mantra, only in the english version.

  2. I thought Id share a quote with you from U.G. Krishnamurti that pertains to your blog, please dont take offense. You assume that there is such a thing as truth, you assume that there is such a thing as reality (ultimate or otherwise) – it is that assumption that is creating the problem, the suffering for you.

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