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Shanti Karanam

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अथ शान्तिकरणम्
Mantras of Rig and Yajur Veda
Here we begin the Shaanti Karana the prayers to God and the Cosmic Forces for peace in our personality. Without Shaanti, there can be no Swasti. Without peace there can be no nobility in life. And, this Shaanti is the actual cooling down of the five fires of lust, anger, greed, infatuation and vanity that perpetually burn and destroy our divine energy
शं न॑ इन्द्रा॒ग्नी भ॑वता॒मवो॑भिः॒ शं न॒ इन्द्रा॒वरी॑णा रा॒ह॑व्या। शमिन्द्रा॒सोमा॑ सुविताय शं योः शं न॒ इन्द्रा॑पू॒षणा॒ वाज॑सातौ॥१॥ ऋ० ७।३५।१
  1. Shanna indraagni bhawa-taam avobhih shanna indraa varunaa raata-havyaa. Shamindraa somaa su-vi-taaya shamyoh shanna indraa poosha-naa vaaja-saatau
May the Supreme One, possessed of Radiant Light, give us peace with His protective powers. May the Supreme One, possessed of Choiceworthiness, bountiful in gifts, bring us peace. May the Supreme One and His Devotion create tranquility in us. And, may the Supreme One and His Nourishment grant us harmony in the battle of life.
शं नां॒ भगः॒ शमु॑ नः॒ शंसो॑ अस्तु॒ शं नः॒ पुर॑न्धिः॒ शमु॑ सन्धु॒ राय॑। शं नः॑ सत्यस्य॑ सु॒यम॑स्य शंसः॒ शं नो॑ अर्य॒मा पु॑रूजा॒तो अ॑स्तु॥२॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।२
  1. Shanno bhagah shamu nah shanso astu shannah puran-dhih shamu santu raayah. Shannah satyasya su-yamasya shansah shanno aryamaa puru-jaato astu.
May our fortune yield us peace; may the observance of law and order in society bring us peace. May economic prosperity that sustains citizenship confer peace. May our practice of truth and self-discipline generate peace, and may the soul, who performs actions and is born again and again, progress in peace.
शं नो॑ धा॒ता शमु॒ ध॒र्ता नो॑ अस्तु॒ शं न॑ उरू॒ची भ॑वत स्व॒धाभिः॑। शंरोद॑सी बृह॒ती शं नो॒ अद्रः॒ शं नो॑ देवानं॑ सु॒हवा॑नि सन्तु॥३॥ ऋ० ७।३५।१
  1. Shanno dhaataa shamu dhartaa no astu shanna u-roo-chee bhawatu swadhaabhih. Sham rodasee birhatee shanno adrih shanno dewaanaam suha-waani santu.
May air and sunlight be peacefully supportive of life. May the spacious earth, with its life-sustaining grains, produce peace in us. May the extensive sky, containing mountain-shaped masses of clouds, rain down peace, and may our invocations of Nature’s bounties be chanted in peace.
शं नो॑ अ॒ग्निज्र्योति॑रनीको अस्तु॒ शं नो॑ मि॒त्रावमू॑णाव॒श्विना॒ शम्। शं नो॑ सु॒कृतां॑ सुकृतानि॑ सन्तु॒ शं न॑ इपि॒रो अभि वा॑तु॒ वानः॑॥४॥ ऋ० ७।३५।४
  1. Shanno agnir jyotir aneeko astu shanno mitraa varunaa vash-vinaa sham. Shannah sukirtaam sukri-taani santu shanna ishiro abhi-vaatu vaatah.
May fire, whose force is light, bring us peace. May hydrogen and oxygen,, and all other dual forces, generate peace. May the actions of righteous people create an atmosphere of peace, and may the refreshing winds blow peace on us.
शं नो॒ ध्यावा॑पृथि॒वि पुर्वहू॑तौ॒ शम॒न्तरि॑क्षं दृ॒शये॑ नो अम्तु। शं न॒ ओष॑धीर्व॒निनो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नो॒ रज॑स॒स्पति॑रस्तु जिप्णुः॥४॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।५
  1. Shanna dyaavaa prithivee poorva-hootau sham anta-riksham dirshaye no astu. Shanna osha-dheer vanino bhawantu shanno rajas as patir-astu jishnuh.
May light and darkness inspire peace at the time of dawn when we make our first invocations, and may the sky be there for us to look at, to expand our vision. May medicinal herbs and forest trees contribute to health and a peaceful surrounding. And may the sun that victoriously rules over the planetary system be for our peace.
शं न॒ इन्द्रो॒ वसु॑भिदे॒वो अस्तु॒ शमा॑दि॒त्येभि॒र्वरू॑णः सु॒शंसः॑। शं नो॑ रू॒द्र रू॒द्रे॒भि॒र्जलाषः॒ शं न॒स्त्वष्टा॒ ग्नाभि॑रि॒ह श्रृ॑णोतु॥६॥ ऋ० ७।३५।६
  1. Shanna indro vasu-bhir devo astu sham aaditye-bhir varunah su-shansah Shanno rudro rudre-bhir jalaashah shannas twash-taag-naa-bhi-riha shri-notu
May electricity, the cosmic force acting in conjunction with the eight Vasus that keep the universe inhabited, send forth peace to us. May the twelve months that make up the year give us peace. May the soul that is made comfortable in the body by the presence of the vital airs traverse the pathways of the world in peace. And, may the discriminating scholar, with his words of inspiration, motivate us to listen for peace.
शं नः॒ सोमो॑ भवसु॒ ब्रह्म॒ शं नः॒ शंनो॒ ग्रावाण॒ शमु॑ सन्तु य॒यज्ञः। शं नः॒ स्वरू॑णां मितयो॑ भोवन्तु॒ शं नः॑ प्रस्वहः शमव॑स्तु वेदिः॑॥७॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।७
  1. Shannah somo bhavatu brahma shannah shanno graa-vaa-nah shamu santu yaj-yaah. Shannah swaroo-naam mitayo bhawantu shannah praswah praswah sham vastu vedih.
May the devotion and prayer that we generate in our ceremonies bring us supreme peace. May the ceremonies themselves, and everything associated with them  the ceremonial altars, the stones used to build them, the measurements of the pillars in the ceremonial halls, and the well-grown herbs offered onto the blazing ceremonial fires all yield peace unto us.
For Regular Havan go to Shiva Sankalpa Mantra – Number 20
शं नः॒ सूर्य॑ उरू॒चक्षा॒ उदे॑तु॒ शं न॒श्चत॑स्रः प्रदिशो॑ भवन्तु। शंनः॒ पर्व॑ता धु॒वयो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नः॒ सिन्ध॑वः॒ घमु॑ सन्त्वापः॑॥८॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।८
  1. Shannah soorya uru-chakshaa udetu shannahs chatas-rah pradisho bhawantu. Shannah parvataa dhruvayo bhawantu shannah sindhawah shamu santu-aapah.
May the sun, the Eye that sees far and wide, rise in peace. And may each of the four cardinal directions point the way to peace. May the mountains impose their steady structures in peace. And may the rivers cause their currents to flow for peace
शं नो॒ अदि॑तिर्भवतु ब्र॒तेभिः॒ शं नो॑ भवन्तु म॒रूतः॑ स्व॒र्कः। शं नो॒ विप्णुः॒ शमु॑ पूपा नो॑ नो॑ भ॒वित्रं॒ शम्व॑स्ता॒युः॥९॥ ऋ० ७।३५।९
  1. Shanno aditir bhawatu vrate-bhih shanno bhawantu marutah swar-kaah. Shanno vishnuh shamu pooshaa na astu shanno bhavitram sham-vastu vaayuh.
May Mother Earth, with her Laws, engender peace. May all mortals, singing with sweetly-intoned voices, hymn peace for all humankind. May the all-pervading sunlight, the nourishing rain-clouds, and the cool winds all ensure peace. May even all future happenings influence peace.
शं नो॑ दे॒वः सवि॒ता त्राय॑माणः॒ शं नो॑ भवन्तू॒षसो॑ विभा॒तीः। शं नः॑ प॒र्जन्यो॑ भवतु प्रजाभ्यः॒ शं नः॒ क्षेत्र॑स्य॒ पति॑रस्तु श॒म्भुः॥१०॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।१०
  1. Shanno devah savitaa traa-ya-maanah shanno bhawan-too-shaso vibhaa-teeh. Shannah parjanyo bhawantu prajaa-bhyah shannah kshetrasya patir astu shambhuh.
May there be peace from the brilliant sun that rises in the morning to protect us from darkness, and from the radiant dawns. May the clouds rain down peace for all creatures. And may the peasant, the owner of land, helpful as He is, confer on us the gift of peace.
शं नो॑ दे॒वा वि॒श्वदे॑वा भवन्तु॒ शं सर॑स्वति स॒ह धी॒भि॑रस्तु। शम॑भि॒पाचः॒ शमु॑ राति॒पाचः॒ शं नो॑ दिव्याः पार्थिवाः॒शंनो॒ अप्याः॑॥११॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।११
  1. Shanno devaa vishwa-dewaa bhawantu sham saras-wateesha dhee-bhiras-tu Sham abhi-shaachah shamu raati-shaachah dhanno divyaah paar-thi-vaah shanno apyaah
May all of Nature s bounties yield peace unto us. May learning filled with holy thinking be translated into peace. May our associates who are liberal help us attain peace. And, may all beings, living in heaven, on earth, and in water share with us their peace.
शं नः॑ स॒त्यस्य॒ पत॑यो भवन्तु॒ शं नो॒ अर्व॑न्तः॒ शमु॑ सन्तु॒ गावः। शं न॑ ऋ॒भवः॑ सु॒कृतः॑ सु॒हस्ताः॒ शं नो॑ भवन्सु पि॒तरो॒ हवेषु॥१२॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।१२
  1. Shannah satyasya patayo bhawantu shanno arwantah shamu santu gaawah. Shanna ribhawah sukritah su-hastaah shanno bhawantu pitaro haveshu.
In our rituals we pray that those who are masters of Truth, and those who are enlightened, those who use their skilled hands in performing only excellent only excellent deeds, those who are mothers and fathers, may all help us achieve peace. May even the domesticated animals provide us comfort in our daily tasks.
शं नो॑ अ॒ज एकपाद् वे॒वो अ॑स्तु॒ शं नोऽहि॑र्वु॒ध्न्यः॒ शं समु॒द्रः। शं नो॑ अ॑पां नपा॑त्पे॒रूर॑स्तु॒ शं नः॒ पृश्नि॑र्भवतु दे॒वगो॑पा॥१३॥ – ऋ० ७।३५।८
  1. Shaano no aja eka-paad dewo astu shanno hir budh-nyah sham samudrah. Shanno apaam napaat perur astu shannah prishnir bhawatu deva-gopaah.
May He Who is uncreated and Who measures the entire universe with one mere Step give us peace.may the cloud of ignorance present in my sky, overshadowing my intelligence, give way to peace. May the ocean of my sublime emotions flow for my peace. May the fire of luster that springs from the waters of my devotion lead to peace. And, may the Inner Cow (of Learning) protect our sense-organs for peace.
इन्द्रो॒ विश्वस्य राजति। शन्नो॑ऽअस्तु व्दिपदे॒ शं चतु॑ष्पदे॥१४॥ – यजु० ३६।८
  1. Indro vishwasya raajati. Shanno astu dwipade sham chatush-pade Yajur Veda 36:8
Lord Indra shines as Supreme Ruler over the entire universe. May He bring peace unto all bipeds and quadrupeds.
शन्नो॒ वातः॑ पवता॒म् शन्न॑स्तपतु॒ सूय्र्यः॑। शन्नः॒ कनि॑क्रदद्दे॒वः प॒र्जन्यो॑ऽअभि व॑र्षतु॥१५॥ – यजु० ३६।११
  1. Shanno vaatah pawataam shannas tapatu sooryah Shannah kani-kradad devah parjanyo abhi-varshatu
Let the cool winds blow peace unto us. Let the sun shine forth in peace. Let the thundering clouds burst forth and send rain for our peace.
अहा॑नि॒ शम्भ॑वन्तु नः॒ शँ रात्रीः॒ प्रति॑ धीयताम्। शन्न॑ इन्द्रापीषणा॒ वाज॑सातौ॒ शमिन्द्रा॒- सोमा॑ सुविताय॒ शँ योः॥१६॥ – यजु० ३६।८
  1. Ahaani sham bhawantu nah sham raatreeh prati dhee-ya-taam. Shanna indraag-ni bhawataam avobhih shanna indraa-varunaa raata-havyaa Shanna indraa poosha-naa vaaja-saatau shamindra somaa suvi-taaya sham yoh.
May we pass our days and nights enjoying peace. May the sun and fire, with their warmth and light, give us peace. May the sun and ocean-water give us a peaceful life. May the sun and the rain-clouds help grains to grow for our victory in the battle of life, and may the sun and moon inspire us for peace.
शन्नो॑ दे॒वीर॒भिप्ट॑य॒ऽआपो॑ भवन्तु पी॒तये॑। शंयोर॒भिस्र॑वन्तु नः॥१७॥ -यजु० ३६।१२
  1. Shanno deveer abhistaya aapo bhawantu peetaye. Shanyor abhi sravantu nah
May there be divine waters for us to drink and experience inner satisfaction. May they continually flow from the fountain of peace all around us.
शान्ति पाठ SHANTI PAATH
ध्यौः शान्ति॑ र॒न्तरि॑क्षँ शान्तिः॑ पृथि॒वी शान्तिरापः॒ शान्तिरोषधयः॒ शान्तिः॑। वनास्पत॑यः॒ शान्ति॒ र्विश्वे॑ देवाः शान्ति॒र्ब्रह्म॒ शान्तिः॒ स्रवम् शान्तिः॒ शान्ति॑रे॒व शान्तिः॒ या मा॒ शान्ति॑रेधि॥१८॥ – यजु० ३६।१७
  1. Dyauh shaanti-ranta-riksham shaantih prithivee shaanti-raapah shaanti rosha-dhayah shaantih Vanas-patayah shaantir vishwe devaah shaantir Brahma shaantih sarvam shaantih shaanti-reva shaantih Saa maa shanti redhi.
Peace in heaven, sky and on earth. Let water flow to quench our thirst for peace. Let all trees and plants provide cool shade for a peaceful humanity. Let peace be in the hearts of all educated men, for them to share it with troubled minds. God is the Source of peace, and His Divine Scripture teaches the way to that peace. May that peace extend its influence in every nook and corner of this globe. Let there be peace and only peace. May that pace come to me, too.
तच्चक्षु॑दे॑वहि॑तम्पु॒रस्ता॑च्छु॒क्रमुच्चरत्। पश्ये॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तं जीवे॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् श्रृणु॑याम श॒रदः॑ श॒तम्प्रब्र॑वाम श॒रदः॑ श॒तमदि॑नाः स्याम श॒तम्भुय॑श्च श॒रदः॑श॒तात्॥१९॥ – यजु० ३६।२४
  1. Tach-chakshur devahitam purastaach chhukram uch-charat. Pashyema sharadah shatam Jeevema sharadah shatam Shrinu-yaama sharadah shatam Pra-bravaama sharadah shatama deenaah syaama sharadah shatam, Bhooyash cha sharadah shataat.
That brilliant Eye, the sun, held by God in the heavens, rises in the East. May we, too, rise every morning to perceive its goldend splendor. May we live a long life, of a hundred years, and while living, may we listen to, and proclaim the glory and majesty of the Creator of this rising sun. And, in the even that we live for more than a hundred years, may we never lose our individual freedom.

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