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अथ स्वस्तवाचनम्
Mantras of Rig Veda, Yajur, Saam & Atharva Veda Here we begin the Swasti Vaachana, the prayers for a harmonized life. We pray that the Supreme Cosmic Force, God, and all other Cosmic forces – the sun, moon, stars, air, earth, sky and heaven, and all teachers, parents and friends may contribute their powers to help make our life blissful.
अ॒ग्निनमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं यज्ञ॒स्य॑ दे॒वम्रत्विज॑म्। होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ॥१॥ – ऋ० १।१।१
Agni meede purohitam yajyasya deva-mrit-wijam. Hotaaram ratna-dhaatamam
We praise Agni .We praise Him Who has been present even before this creation. He is the Glorious Lord of this Cosmic Sacrifice, and is worthy of our worship in all seasons. We praise Him Who is the Creator and Supreme Sustainer of all the jewel-like planets that decorate the cosmic Drama.
मैं (पुरोसितम्) सृष्टि-उत्पत्ति से पुर्व सृष्टि के मुलकारण परमाणु आदि को धारण करनेवाले (यज्ञस्य) सृष्टिरूपी यज्ञ के (देवम्) प्रकाश करने-वाले (ऋत्विजम्) बारम्बार उत्पत्ति के समय में स्थल सृष्टि का संहार करनेवाल (रत्नधातमम्) मनोसर पृथिवी और सुवर्ण आदि रत्नों को धारण करने और देनेवाले (अग्निम्) जगदीश्वर की (ईळ) स्तति और प्रार्थना करता हुँ।
स नः॑ पि॒तेव॑ सूनवेऽग्न॑ सूपाय॒नो भ॑व।सच॑स्वा नः स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥१॥ – ऋ० १।१।६
Sa nah piteva soonave agne soopaa-yano bhava. Sachas-waa nah swastaye.
Come to us, sweetly and readily, O Agni as a father comes unto his son. Unite us, Lord, with Yourself and with the bounties of this world for swasti.
से (अग्ने) ज्ञानस्वरूप परमेश्वर! (सः) आप (सूनवे) अपने पुत्र के लिए (पिता इव) जैसे पिता उत्तम ज्ञान देनेवाला होता है, वैसे ही आप (नः) सम लोगों, उपासकों, भक्तों के लिए (सुपायनः) सब सुकों के साधक आर उत्तम-उत्तम पदार्थो को प्राप्-त करानेवाले, शोभन ज्ञान को देनेवाले (भव) हूजिए। आर (नः) सम लोगों को (स्वस्तये) इहलौकिक आर पारलौकिक सुख के हाथ (सचस्व) संयुक्त किजिए।
स्व॒त्ति नो॑ मिमीताम॒श्वना॒ भगः॑ स्व॒त्ति देव्यदि॑तिरन॒र्वणः॑ । स्व॒स्वित पूषा असु॑रो दधातु नः स्व॒स्ति ध्यावा॑पृथिवी सुचे॒तुना॑ ॥३॥ ऋ० २।२१।११
Swasti no mimeetaam-ashwinaa bhagah swasti dev-yaditir anar-vanah. Swasti pooshaa asuro dadhaatu nah swasti dyaawaa prithivee suche-tunaa
May all dual forces bring swasti for us. May our fortune and wealth bring us swasti. May the Earth, goddess and unhurting as she is, yield swasti for us. May the clouds that provide us life through rain-fall sustain swasti for us, and may the sun and all the planets, filled with knowledge, confer swasti unto us.
(अश्वना) अध्यापक और उपदेशक, स्त्री एवं पुरूष, दिन तथा रात्री सुर्य और चन्द्र तथा प्रण औरअपान (नः) हमारे लिए (स्स्ति) सुख (मिमीताम्) प्रदान करें। (भगः) ऐश्वर्यशाली परमात्मा (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करे। (देवी) सब विध्याओ का प्रकाश करनेवाली (अदितिः) अखण्ड वेदविध्या (अनर्वणः) र्धम के मार्ग पर चलनेवाले, सदाचारी परूषों का कल्याण करे। (पूषा) पुष्टि करनेवाले दुग्ध आदि पदार्थ और (असुरः) जीवनदाता मेघ (नः) समारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण (दधातु) करे। (ध्यावा-पृथिवी) सूर्य और पृथिवी, पिता और माता-दोनों (सुचेतुना) उत्तम प्रकाश छेतना और ज्ञान से (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करें।
स्व॒स्तये॑ वा॒युमुपं सोमं॑ स्वस्सि भुव॑नस्य यस्पतिः॑। बृह॒स्पतिं॒ सर्स॑गणं स्व॒स्तये॑ त्वस्तय॑ आदित्यासो॑ भवन्तु नः ॥४॥
Swastaye vaayu-mupa bravaa-mahai somam swasti bhuwa-nasya yas patih. Brihaspatim sarvaganam swastaye swastaya aadit-yaaso bhawantu nah.
Let us, in our search for an elevated existence, explore the qualities of air, and even of the moon that influences operations on earth.We call upon the Teacher of wisdom, surrounded by his eager students, to teach us for swasti, and may those men who are benefactors of all mankind help in achieving this elevated existence.
(अश्वना) अध्यापक और उपदेशक, स्त्री एवं पुरूष, दिन तथा रात्री सुर्य और चन्द्र तथा प्रण औरअपान (नः) हमारे लिए (स्स्ति) सुख (मिमीताम्) प्रदान करें। (भगः) ऐश्वर्यशाली परमात्मा (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करे। (देवी) सब विध्याओ का प्रकाश करनेवाली (अदितिः) अखण्ड वेदविध्या (अनर्वणः) र्धम के मार्ग पर चलनेवाले, सदाचारी परूषों का कल्याण करे। (पूषा) पुष्टि करनेवाले दुग्ध आदि पदार्थ और (असुरः) जीवनदाता मेघ (नः) समारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण (दधातु) करे। (ध्यावा-पृथिवी) सूर्य और पृथिवी, पिता और माता-दोनों (सुचेतुना) उत्तम प्रकाश छेतना और ज्ञान से (स्वस्ति) हमारा कल्याण करें।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा नो॑ अ॒ध्या स्वस्तये॑ वैश्वान॒रो वसु॑र॒ग्निः स्स्वतये॑। देवा अ॑वन्त्वभवः॑ स्वस्ति स्वस्ति नो॑ रू॒द्रः पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥५॥
Vishwe devaa no adyaa swastaye vaish-waa-naro vasu-ragnih swastaye. Devaa avantu ribhawah swastaye swasti no rudrah paat-wang-hasah.
Let all wise men instruct us today for swasti. Let fire, present everywhere, and benefiting all creatures be for our facility and comfort. Let all forces that bring light to the world, protect us while we acquires this comfort, and let the system of social justice protect us from wrong -doing, yielding swasti for us.
हम लोग (स्वस्तये) सुख, शान्नि और आनन्द की प्राप्-ति के लिए (वायुम्) बल के भण्डार और (सोमम्) शान्ति के सागर परमात्मा को (उप ब्रवामहै) पुकारते हैं, उसकि महीमा का गान करते हैं, उसकी उपासना करते हैं (यः) जो (भुवनस्य) विश्वब्रहमाण्ड का (पतिः) पालक और रक्षक सै, वह समारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण के। (सर्वगणम्) गण=समुदाय=शिष्य-प्रशिष्ययसहित (बृहस्पतिम्) वेदविध्या के रक्षक आचार्य का हम (स्वस्तये) अपने कल्याण के लिए आव्हान करते हैं। प्रभो! (नः) हमारे (स्वस्तये) कल्याण के लिए (आदित्यास) वेद-वेदाग्ङों में निष्णात अड़तालीस वर्ष के अखण्ड ब्रहम्चारी (भवन्तु) उत्पन्न हों।
मनो॒र्यज॑त्रा अ॒मृता॑ ऌत॒ज्ञाः। ते नो॑ रासन्तामुरूगायम॒ध्य यूयं पा॑त स्वस्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥८॥ स्वस्ति मि॑त्रावरूणा स्व॒स्ति प॑थ्ये रेवति। स्व॒स्ति न॒ इन्द्र॑श्चा॒ग्निश्च॑ स्वस्ति नो॑ अदिते कृधि ॥६॥
6. Swasti mitraa varunaa swasti pathye revati. Swasti na indrash chaag-nish cha swasti no adite kridhi.
Mother Earth! May you cause us to walk on the path of individual enrichment while we make use of hydrogen and oxygen, and electricity and fire.
(मित्रावरूणा) प्राण और उदानवायु हमारे लिए (स्वस्ति) कल्याण-कारक हों (पथ्ये) वैदिक पथ, वैदिक कर्मकाण्ड में उपयोगी (रेवति ) गौएँ हमारे लिए (स्वस्ति) कल्याण प्रदान करनेवाली हों (नः) हमारे लिए (वायुः) वायु (च) और (अग्निः) विध्युत् (स्वस्ति) कल्याणकारक हों (च) और (अदिते) हे अविनाशी, सदा एकरस विध्यमान प्रभो! (नः) हमारा (स्वस्ति) कल्याण (कृधि) कीजिए।
स्व॒स्ति पन्था॒मनु॑ सुर्साचन्द्र॒मसा॑विव। पुन॒र्दद॒ताध्न॑ता जान॒ता सं ग॑मेहि ॥७॥ – ऋ० २।२१।१२
Swasti panthaam anucharema sooryaa chandra-masaa viva. Punar dada-taagh-nataa jaana-taa sanga-memahi
For Regular Havan go to Shanti Karanam after Mantra Number 31
Let us all follow the path of swasti like the sun and moon. Let us be in the company of those who give of what they have, who never hurt the feelings of others, except when it is for one s own good, and who know much of God and His Wisdom.
हम लोग (सुर्याचन्द्रमसौ इव) सुर्य और चन्द्रमा की भँति (स्वस्ति पन्थाम्) धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष के साधक कल्याणकारी मार्गो का (अनु चरेम) ज्ञानपूर्वक आचरण कें (पुनः) और अपने कल्याणार्थ (ददता) दानशील (अध्नता) अहिंसक तथा (जानता) ज्ञानी, दिव्दान् पूरूषों के साथ (सं गमेमहि) सत्संगति करें।
ये दे॒वानां॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑ य॒ज्ञियानां मनो॒र्यज॑त्रा अ॒मृता॑ ऌत॒ज्ञाः। ते नो॑ रासन्तामुरूगायम॒ध्य यूयं पा॑त स्वस्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥८॥
Ye devaanaam yaj-yi-yaa yaj-yi-yaanaam manor yajatraa amrita ritaj-yaah. Te no raa-santaam urugaayam adya yooyam paata swasti-bhih sadaa nah.
Those who are the holiest among the holy and knowledgeable scholars, who are worthy of reverence in the company of thoughtful minds, they who become immortal from having realized Truth, may they come in this life-time to grant us the knowledge sought by many, and protect us with powers of swasti.
(ये) जो (देवानाम्) विव्दानों में विव्दान और (यर्ञियानाम्) पूज्यों में (यज्ञियाः) पूज्य हैं जो (मनोः) मननशील लोगों के भी (यजत्राः) आदरणीय हैं, मननशील, बड़े-बड़े विव्दान् भी जिनरी सग्ङति में बैठते हैं जो (अमताः) जीवन्मुक्त और (ऋतज्ञाः) सत्य को जाननेवाले हैं (ते) वे विव्दान् लोग (अध्य) आज, इस वर्तमान जीवन में ही (नः) हम लोगों के लिए (उरू गायम्) अति प्रशंसनिय ज्ञान, विध्याबोध को (रासन्ताम्) प्रदान कें। देवो! (युयम्) तुम सब (स्वस्तभिः) अपने कल्याणकारी उपाध्यादि के दान और उपदेशों व्दरा (सदा) सदा (नः) हमारी (पात) रक्षा करो।
येभ्यो॑ मा॒ता मधु॑म॒त्पिन्व॑ते॒ पयः॑ पी॒यूषं॒ ध्यौरदि॑तिरद्रि॑बर्हाः। उ॒क्थशु॑ष्मान्वृषभ॒रान्त्स्वप्न॑स॒स्ताँ आ॑दि॒त्याँ अनु॑ मदा स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥९॥
Yebhyo maata madhumat pinwate payah peeyoosham dyaur aditir adri-barhaa. Uktah shusmaan vrisha bharaant swapna-sas taan aa-dityaan anu madaa swastaye.
They for whom Mother Earth yields nutritious grains and sweet juices, and for whom the limitless sky above, filled with clouds, showers down rain that is likened to honeyed nectar, the who derive their strength from chanting the Holy Vedic verses, who cause rains of cool-ness to extinguish the fie of lust, anger and greed, and who perform the noblest of actions – to these noble sons of Mother Earth do I pay homage and offer praise for Swasti.
(येभ्यः) जिन सदाचारी विव्वानों के लिए (माता) सबका निर्माण और पालन-पोषण करनेवाली भूमि माता (मधुमत्) माधुर्यगुणयुक्त (पयः) अन्न और रस आदि को (पिन्क्ते) प्रदान करती है तथा (अद्रबर्हाः) मेघों से आच्छादित (अदितिः) अन्तरिक्ष तथा (ध्यौः) ध्युलोक (पीयीषम्) अमृत- तुल्य वृष्टिजल को बरसाता है (तान्) उन (उक्थशुष्मान्) विध्या के बल से प्रसिध्द (वृषभरान्) आकाश से वर्ष को खींचनेवाले, वृष्टियज्ञ कराने में निपुण (स्वप्नसः) कर्मकाण्ड में प्रवीण, अत्यन्त महत्तवाकाक्षी (आदित्यान्) विदुषी माता के पुत्रों को (स्वस्तये) कल्याण के लिए (अनु मद) क,उनका स्वागत-सत्कार और उनसे प्रर्थना करो।
नृचक्ष॑सो॒ अनि॑मिषन्तो अ॒र्हणा॑ बृहद्दे॒वासो॑ अमृत॒त्वमा॑नशुः। ज्यो॒तिर॑था॒ अहि॑माया॒ अना॑गसो दि॒वो व॒ष्-र्माणं॑ वसते स्वस्तये॑ ॥१०॥
Nri-chakshaso ani-mishanto arhanaa brihad devaaso amrita twam aa-nashuh. Jyotee rathaa ahi-maayaa anaa-gaso divo varsh-maanam vasate swastaye.
Scholars who watch over to protect erring mankind, who are incessantly awake to our needs, who are worthy of our reverence
जो (नृचक्षसः) मनुष्यमात्र पर दृष्टि रखनेवाले (अनिमिषन्तः) सदा सावधान, सर्वदा जागरूक, आलस्यरहित (अर्हणाः) पुजा के योग्य (देदासः) विव्दान् लोग (बृहत्) महान् (अमृतत्वम्) को अमरता (आनशुः) प्रप्-त करते हैं, मरकर भी अमर हो जाते हैं, (ज्योतिरथाः) प्रकाशमय पथ में गमन करनेवाले (अहिमायाः) अहिंसित बुध्दवाले, व्यापक ष्टिकोणवाले (अनागसः) निष्पाप और (दिवः वष्र्माणम्) ज्ञान के सर्वोच्च स्थान पर (वसते) पहुँचे हुए होते वे (स्वस्तये) कल्याण के लिए हमारेयज्ञ में आएँ।
स॒म्राजो॒ यु॒वृधो॑ य॒ज्ञमा॑ययुर प॑रिहृता दधि॒रे दि॒वि क्षय॑म्। ताँ आ वि॑वास॒ नम॑सा सुवृत्किभि॑र्म॒हो आदित्याँ अदि॑तिं स्व॒स्तमे॑॥११॥
Sam-raajo ye su-vridho yajyam aa-yayur a-parih-vritaa dadhire divi kshyam. Taan aa-vi-vaasa namasaa su-vrikti-bhir maho aadityaan aditim swastaye.
Royal Sages, advance in knowledge, have come to our sacrifice. Unsubdued have they taken their place of honor around the sacrificial altar. Unto these magnified sons of Mother Earth, and unto the Mother Herself, with words of salutation and praise, do I offer my service for swasti.
को वः स्तोमं॑ राधति॒ यं जुजो॑षथ॒ विश्वे॑ देवासो मनुषो॒ मति॒ ष्ठन॑। को वो॑ऽध्वैरं तु॑विजाता॒ अरं॑ कर॒ध्यो रः॒ पर्षदत्मंहः॑ स्वस्तये ॥१२॥
Ko wah stomam raadhati yam ju-joshatha vishwe devaaso manusho yatish thana. Ko wo dhwaram tuvi-jaataa aramkarad yonah parshad at-yam-hah swastaye
O Thoughtful Sages! I address this question to all of you present around this sacrificial altar; Who has composed for you the sacred verses that you so love to chant? O Sages, pre-eminent in knowledge, who among you will perform the ennobling sacrament that will lead us across evil unto the realm of Swasti?
येभ्यो॒ होत्रां॑ प्रथ॒मामा॑ये॒जे मनुः॒ समि॑ध्दाग्नि॒र्मन॑सा स॒प्त होतृ॑भिः। त आ॑दितया॒ अभ॑यं॒ शर्म॑ यच्छत सु॒गा नः॑ कर्त सु॒पथा॑ स्वस्तये॑ ॥१३॥
Yebhyo hotraam pratha-maa mayej manuh samidha agnir manasaa sapta hotri-bhih Ta aadityaa abhayam sharma yach chhata sugaa nah karta supathaa swastaye
They, from whom the thoughtful student, himself a sacrificer, received immortal wisdom by kindling the supreme sacrifice of student-discipline with the aid of his seven senses, may these Teachers, magnified sons of the Earth as they are, grant unto us the asylum of fearless ness, and may they make paths in life easy for us to pass through, leading to the domain of swasti.
य ईशि॑रे॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसो॒ विश्व॑सय स्था॒तुर्जग॑तश्च॒ मन्त॑वः। ते नः॑ कतादकृ॑तादेन॑स॒स्पर्य॒ध्मा दे॑वासः पिपृता स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥१४॥
Ya eeshirey bhuwa-nasya prachetaso vishvasya sthaatur jagatash cha mantawah. Te nah kritaa dakritaa dena-saspary adyaa devaasah pipritaa swastaye
The Royal Sages, in their deep knowledge and meditation, control whatever happens in the entire conscious and unconscious creation. May they lead us today across bodily and mental transgresstions unto the haven of swasti.
भरे॒ष्विन्द्रं॑ सू॒हवं॑ हवामहेंऽहो॒मुचं॑ सु॒कृतं॒ दैव्यं॒ जन॑म्। अ॒ग्निं भि॒त्रं वमू॑णं सा॒तये भगं॒ ध्यावा॑पृथि॒वि म॒रूतः॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥१५॥
Bharesh-windram suhavam havaa-mahem homucham sukritam daivyam janam. Agnim mitram varunam saataye bhagam dyaawaa prihivee marutah swastaye
In our struggles in life, we call upon Lord Indra. That Divine Personality responds readily to our call for help, releases us from pain, and points out the path to goodness. For prosperity and swasti, we call upon the Knowledgeable One, Who, as a Choiceworthy Friend, brings fortune. We also call upon all forces that are present on earth, in sky and in heaven.
सु॒त्रामा॑णं पृथि॒विं ध्याम॑ने॒हसें॑ सु॒शर्मा॑ण॒मदि॑तिं। दैवीं॒ नावं स्वरि॒त्रामना॑गस॒मस्र॑वन्ती॒मा रूसेमा स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥१६॥
Sutraa-maanam prithiveem dyaam anay hasam sushar-maanam aditim su-praneetim. Daiveem naavam swari-traam anaagasam asra-vanteem aaru-hemaa swastaye
Having built-in protectition for its Passenger, spacious, and glowing with light of consciousness, beyond comparison, providing security and comfort, and indestructible, offering safe guidance, having good oars, sinless, and unleaking-upon such a divine boat do we seek to embark, to be led to the shore of swasti.
विश्वे॑ यजत्रा॒ अधि॑ वोचतो॒तये त्राय॑ध्वं नो दुरेवा॑या अभि॒हुतः॑। स॒त्यया॑ दे॒वहू॑त्या हुवेम॒ श्रृण्व॒तो अव॑से स्वस्तये ॥१७॥
Vishve yajatraa adhi vocha-totaye traaya-dhwam no dure-vaayaa abhi-hrutah. Satyayaa vo deva-hootyaa huvema shrinvato devaa avase swastaye.
All ye ceremonial ones! instruct us with your authority for our protection, and save us from violence caused by froces of evil. For our protection, O Devas, we callupon you, who listen, with truthful divine calling.
अपामी॑वा॒मप॒ विश्वा॒मना॑हुति॒म- पारा॑तिं दुर्वि॒त्रा॑मघाम॒तः। आरे दे॑वा॒ ध्वेषो॑ अस्मध्यु॑योतनो॒रृ णः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छता स्व॒स्तये॥१८॥ -ऋ० १०।६३।१२
Apaa-mee-vaa-mapa vishwaa-manaa-huteem apaa-raatim durvida-traam aghaayatah. Aare devaa dvesho asmad yuyotano ru nah sharma yach-chhataa swastaye
Away with disease; away with everything short of sanctity and charity; away with the ungraciousness and ignorance of the sinner. May the divine powers send far away from us all that is hateful, and grant unto us the great asylum of peace that may yield swasti for us.
अरी॑ष्टः॒ स मर्मो॒ विश्व॑ एधते॒ प्र प्र॒जाभि॑र्जायते॒ धर्म॑णस्परि॑। यमा॑दित्यासो॒ रय॑था सुनी॒तिभि॒रति॒ विश्वा॑नि दरि॒ता स्व॒स्तये॑॥१९॥- ऋ० १०।६३।१३
Arishtah samarto vishva edhate pra pra-jaabhir jaayate dharmanas pari. Yam aadityaaso nayathaa suneeti-bhir ati vishwaani duritaa swastaye.
In this world, that man who is surrounded by dharma remains unhurt. He prospers, and becomes famous through his offspring. Him the aadityas lead with good guidance and wisdom, for the sake of swasti, across all courses of evil and adversity.
यं दे॑वा॒सोऽव॑थ॒ वाज॑सातौ यं शूर॑साता मरूतो हि॒ते धने॑। प्रा॒त॒र्यावा॑णं॒ रथ॑मिन्द्र सान॒सिम- रि॑ष्यन्त॒मा रूहेमा स्वस्तये॑ ॥२०॥
Yam devaaso vatha vaaja-saatau yam shoora-saataa maruto hite dhane. Praatar yaavaanam ratham-indra saana-sim ari-shaantaam aa-ruhemaa swastaye.
This body of ours is like a chariot that brings victory for the soul traveling through life. The soul,seated in this chariot, begins its daily battle-journey at dawn, each morning. O divine powers in mortal frame! May we mount that secure, unbroken chariot which you protect in the battle of life, in the test for courage, and in wholesome prosperity.
स्व॒स्ति नः॑ प॒थ्या॑सु धन्व॑सु स्वस्त्यप्सु वृ॒ जने॒ स्वर्व॑ति। स्वस्ति नः॑ पुत्रकृ॒थेषु॒ योनि॑षु स्व॒स्ति रा॒ये म॑रूतो दधातन ॥२१॥
Swasti nah pathyaasu dhanwasu swasti apsu vrijane swarvati. Swasti nah putra-krithe-shu yonishu swasti raaye maruto dadhaatana.
Swasti be in our in habited lands, and in our desert lands, in our oceans, in the sky and in heaven. O divine ones who encourage us never to cry! Let swasti be in our childbearing wombs; let swasti bring us the wealth of liberation.
स्व॒स्तिरिध्दि प्रप॑थे श्रेष्ठा॒ रेक्ण॑स्वत्य॒भि या वाममेति॑। सा नो॑ अ॒मा सो अर॑णे नि पा॑तु स्वावे॒शा भ॑वतु देवगो॑पा ॥२२॥
Swasti-riddhi pra-pathe shresh-thaa reknas-vati abhi yaa vaamam-eti. Saa no amaa so arane ni paatu svaa-we-shaa bhavatu deva-gopaa.
May swasti alone be on our chose path. That swasti which is the best and possessed of riches, and makes us inclined to appreciate what is beautiful. May She ever protect us, whether we are in familiar or unknown places. Coming easily to us and bringing beautiful sentiments, may She guard over our speech and senses.
इ॒षे त्वो॒र्जे त्वा॑ वायव॑ स्थ दे॒ वो वः॑ सवि॒ता प्रार्प॑यनु॒ श्रेष्ठ॑माय॒ कर्म॑णऽआप्या॑यध्वमध्न्याऽ इन्द्रा॑य भा॒गं प्रजाव॑तीमनमी॒वाऽअ॑यक्ष्मा मा व॑ स्ते॒नऽई॑शत॒ माघशँ॑ सो धु॒वाऽअ॒स्मिन् गोप॑तौ स्यात वह्-वीर्यज॑मानस्य प॒शून् पा॑हि॥२०॥
Ishe tworje twaa, vaayava stha Devo wah savitaa praar-payatu. Shresh-tha-tamaaya karmana. Aapyaa-yadhwam aghnyaa indraaya bhaagam. Prajaa-wateer anameewaa ayakshmaa Maa wa stena eeshata, maagha-shanso Dhruvaa asmin go-patau syaata Wah-weer yaja-maanasya pashoon paahi -Yajur Veda 21:12
O me and women! You are wind-like souls.May the divine Impeller motivate you to obtain everything necessary for physical and mental energy, so you can perform the noblest deeds in life. May nothing hinder you in this process. Contribute and increase your share to your leader at home and in society. Be possessed of good offspring in large numbers, and be free from diseases and viruses. Never allow a thief to govern you, nor one who revels in sin. Remain firm in the protection of your Ruler, for he is the coordinator of the entire system in which you operate. And protect animals, for they see, but cannot discriminate.
आ नो॑ भ॒द्राः क्रत॑वो यन्तु विश्वतोऽ द॑ब्धासो॒ऽअप॑रीतासऽउ॒द्भिदः॑। दे॒वा नो॒ यथा॒ सद॒मिद्वृ॒धेऽअस॒न्प्रा॑युवो रक्रि॒तारो॑ दिवेदि॑वे॥२१॥ – यजु० २५।१४
Aa no bhadraah kratavo yantu vishvato adab-dhaaso apa-ree-taasa und-bhi-dah. Devaa no yathaa sada-mid vridhe asann apraa-yovo rakshi-taaro dive dive.
May noble thoughts come to us from every side – pure, free and bursting forth readily, so that the divine powers may always help us to grow, diligently protecting us day after day.
दे॒वानां॑ भ॒द्रा सु॑म॒तिर्ऋ॑जूय॒तां दे॒वानाम् रा॒तिर॒भि नो॒ निव॑र्तताम्। देवाना॑म् स॒रूयमुप॑सेदिमा व॒यं दे॒वा न॑ऽ आपुः प्रति॑रन्तु जी॒वसे॑॥२२॥ यजु० २५।१२ /
Devaanaam bhadraa sumatri rijoo-yataam devaanaam raati-brabhi no nivar-tataam. Devaanaam sakhyam-upa-sedimaa vayam devaa na aayuh prati-rantu jeevase
May the benevolent wisdom of honest scholars, and their generosity, be directed unto us. May we sit in the company of those scholars in friendship. May these holy men help prolong our life-span for us to live happily.
तमिशा॑नं॒ जग॑तस्थुष॒स्पतिं धियञ्जि॒न्वमव॑से हूमहे व॒यम्। पू॒षा नो॒ यथा॒ वेद॑सा॒मस॑द्वृधे र॑क्रि॒ता पा॒चुरदब्धः स्वस्तये॑ ॥२६॥ – यजु० २२।१८n>
Tamee- shaanam jagatas-tas-thu-shas patim dheeyan jinwam avase hoomahe vayam. Poosha no yathaa vedasaam asad vridhe Rakshitaa paayur adab-dhah swastaye
For protection, we call upon Him, the Ruler and Master of all that stands and moves, and the Motivator of oure intelligence. May He, the Nourisher, increase our wealth for swasti, and be our unsubdued Protector and Saviour.
स्व॒स्ति न॒ ऽइन्द्रो॑ वृध्दश्र॑वाः स्व॒स्ति नः॑ पू॒पा विश्ववे॑दाः। स्व॒स्ति न॒स्ताक्ष्र्यो॒ऽअरि॑ष्टनेमिः स्व॒स्ति नो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्दधातु॥२७॥ – यजु० २२।१६
Swasti na indro vriddha shravaah swasti nah pooshaa vishva vedaah. Swasti nas taark-shyo arista-nemih swasti no brihas-patir dadhaatu
May the Kshatriya, who protects from anti-social elements, and who enjoys extensive fame, ensure our safety. May the Vaishya who, as owner of abundant wealth supports the economic system, bring us prosperity. May the Shudra, swift in performing his duties, with unimpeded speed, provide comfort. And may the Brahmana, filled with religious and secular learning, motivate us for ntellectualgrowth.
भ॒द्रं कर्णोभिः श्रृणुयाम देवा भ॒र्दं प॑श्येमा॒श्रमि॑यजत्राः। स्थि॒रैरङै॑ग् स्तुष्टु॒वावां स॑स्त॒नूभि व्-र्यशेमहि दे॒वासि॑तं॒ यदायुः॑॥२८॥ यजु० पू० २२।२१
Bhadram karne-bhih shrinu-yaama devaa bhadram pash-ye-maak-shabhir yajatraah. Sthirai-rangais tushtu-vaam-sas tanoobhir vyashe-mahi devahitam yad aayuh
May we, while becoming wise hear with our ears that which is noble. Becoming sanctified, may we see with our eyes that which is auspicious. Singing God’s praises with strong limbs and healthy bodies, let us enjoy the life-span determined by good deeds.
अग्न आ याहि वीतये गृणाना इव्यदातये। नि होता सत्सि बर्हिषि॥२९॥ साम० १।१।१
Agna aa yaahi veetaye gri-naano havya daataye. Ni hotaa satsi barhishi. Sama Veda 1
Come, O radiant One, to set me apart from the powers of darkness. I sing your glory at this critical moment in my life, and beg for the gift of discriminating knowledge. Be seated in the temple of my heart.
त्वमग्ने यज्ञानां होताविश्वेषां हितः। देवेभिमानुषे जने ॥३०॥ – साम० पू० १।१।२
Twam agne yajyaa-naam hotaa vish-we-shaam hitah. Devebhir maanushe jane
You, O Radiant Being, are the one sought out in all acts of sacrifice. This is acknowledged to be true by enlightened men in human society.
ये त्रि॑ष॒प्ताः प॑रि॒यन्ति॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒ पाणि॒ बिभ्र॑तः। वा॒चस्पति॒र्बला॒ तेषाँ त॒न्वे अ॒ध्य द॑धातु मे॥३१॥ अथर्व० १&।१।१
Ye tri-shaptaah pari-yanti vishvaa roopaani bi-bhra-tah. Vaachas -patir balaa teshaam tanwo adya dadhaatu me. – Atharva Veda 1:1:1
Namaste Buddy,
Thank you for sharing the Swasti Vaachanam. It is a long prayer but i said to myself if knew the Sandya by my head from since I was young many many years ago, maybe I should at least learn of these.
Thank you and Namaste